This transaction launches programming example (Samples) for the TradeDesign development environment.
In general, these samples visualize how and in which way the different functions can be realized in TradeDesign.
For example, a developer can use these samples to visualize the form of entry in specific functions. Furthermore, the developer is enabled to visualize the passing of parameters.
The TradeDesign 2 Samples are provided as sourcecode in a packed ZIP file to setup an overlay named td2smpl holding the sample transactions.
For installing the TradeDesign 2 Samples a program for unpacking ZIP archives (e.g. WinZip) is required. When extracting files, the directories stored in the ZIP file have to be taken into consideration.
Alternatively, the transaction 'Handle Patch Installation' (SYSPIP) can also be used for the installation.
In that case an overlay with the name td2smpl should be created. Having done this, the patch delivered in patchfile can be retrieved and applied to that overlay.
The technical context used is
To be able to install the TradeDesign 2 Samples in a Thin Client environment the necessary tto files have to be created and to be installed on the target server together with the other files supplied in the TradeDesign 2 Samples.