TradeDesign technical bootstrap

The procedure for starting Trade Design applications is as follows:

  1. The client sends a request to the server and to the port on which the application is 'listening'.
  2. Upon receiving the request, the operating system starts a process. Depending on the hardware and the configuration, this can take a while and will require considerable CPU resources.
  3. A connection to the database is established as part of the start process.
  4. The operating system hands the connection to the client to this process, and once the process has started, the connection reports back to the client and starts negotiating the login process.
  5. If an explicit login prompt is required, it will be presented and queried by the client.
  6. Once the user has been identified and authenticated, the default transaction specified in the user's profile is loaded and started. Depending on the default transaction, this can also require a considerable amount of CPU resources.
  7. In the transaction, the initial rules are executed first (EnterTransaction, all Inits, InitTransaction, all defaults).
  8. The monitor then displays the data loaded initially.

That is, the application code (stored in the TTO of the default transaction of the profile) will only be executed once the login has been completed.

Calling an INFO transaction in DOKA / SCF-PRO also constitutes the starting of a process, including all the steps mentioned above. Only the login is not queried, as it has already been passed on by the INFO caller.