Table of Contents

Development Standards for Business Sectors


In all business transactions

TRNMOD.TroLoad Functions

TroLoad functions are used to read, lock and merge required contract and additional data.
The function that matches the task of the transaction has to be selected.

The following functions are available:

  1. “TroReadExistingContract” - Reading the current content of the contract (incl. CBS and PTS) - Locking level 1
  2. “TroLockContractForCBSOnly” - Like 1. plus admitting previous locking and updating of technically provided fields. - Locking level 2
  3. “TroLockExistingOrNewContract”, “TroLockExistingOrNewConSilent”, “TroLockExistingContract”- Like 2. plus merging the newly imported data from the database with contract fields read from the Image and admitting the update of all fields. - Locking level 3
  4. “TroLockAdditionalContract” - locks the additional contract, not used at the moment. Locking level 3

In a transaction the central as well as the required additional contract are read, locked, registered, etc. by calls in the Init of the transaction (Order 950).
However, a customer is able to increase the locking level in a transaction Init with low Order.

In the system the contract will, for example, only be registered for 'Read' or just CBS balances can be modified. In case it should be necessary to lock the contract completely, the same contract can be registered in Init Order 800 with restricted functions.

If the customer registers the contract with the same or a less restrictive function, the call will not execute any functions and the contract remains locked on the higher level. However, if a user subsequently registers with a more restrictive level as in the standard call, a dump will be issued.

In case (like e.g. in xxxFRE transactions) the contract will be locked in the Init of the transaction (Order 950) with level 3 at first, but later on it is noticed, that the contract data have not been modified and the checkbox 'Process immediately' has been enabled, a locking with a lower level would have also been sufficient. Now the level flag can directly be set back to a lower level.

Structure of a TroLoad Function:

A “TroLoad function” consists of four individual functions:

  1. “PrepareContract” (Locking and reading from the database, executing “IsxxTrnAllowed”)
  2. “MergeSptandContractData” (Merging the three contract parts from SPT, database and main memory)
  3. “PostProcessingPerContract” (Checking for other SPTs, updating dependent data)
  4. “TroAddToLocktable” (Writing in the list of the locked contracts incl. locking level)


All outgoing letter messages of a TRN must use the XMLDocStartXX of the sector to which they belong.
The call is done in the body of the respective message.

Example from LITOPN:
LITMOD\LITDOC.XMLDocStartLI ( 'Acknowledgment' )

Subcontract-creating transactions have to use the XMLDocStartXX of the subsector.

Amendment Transactions (xxTAME)

In all amendment transactions it has to be considered that modified fields (like in 'Info Transactions' (INFTRN) and 'Control and Release of Transactions' (TRNREL) are colored underlined in the Display files.

The following colors are available:

In xxxAME are fields that are changed via default depending on a field. These fields change without direct manual entry. These contract fields changed via default have to take over the Modified status of the SWIADD field, i.e. these fields have also to be marked red.

In order that these fields are underlined red in the Display file, the fields changed via default must also be set to “IsModified”. This is done by taking over the Modify status of a field in “TrnModCopyModFlag” in TRNMOD.

In general, the following statements apply for amendment transactions:

a) The new status of the contract has already to be visible on the xxxP panels.
b) The SWIADD fields have to be taken over immediately and one by one. In doing so, the Modify status of the SWIADD field will also be taken over.
c) In amendment request transactions (xxTRAM) the contract fields will NOT be changed, i.e. they will not be set to “IsModified”.


The 'Previous Party' OAP has to hold the value Z as an argument in the stop level (PTSPTA\STPLEV) datafield. This means that object info texts (OIT) for the role will not be taken into account (Z is greater than the defined permitted codes). OAP is a role that for documentation reasons is still stored in the contract, but is no longer actively used. Thus, a stop text for a party, cannot lead to the exclusion of further processing of the contract.