Transaction Selection (SEL Panel)

Selectable Transactions

The transactions selectable in the SEL panel depend on banking requirements and the status of the current contract. In order to enable a customer to customize selectable transactions from the transactions available, the function “IsxxTrnAllowed” is implemented on level 5 in the xxDLOD module (xx represents the mnemo of the business sector). Here, installation-specific requirements can be implemented.

The contract group and the name of the required transaction are transferred to this function. Depending on the logic implemented in the function, either TRUE (transaction can be started) or FALSE (transaction cannot be started) are returned as results.

In all business sectors, starting the SEL transaction launches the “IsxxTrnAllowed” function. This enables all selectable transactions and disables all non-selectable transactions in the folder. Further, this function is also launched when a selectable transaction is clicked.

Entity-specific SELs

With Multi-Entity customers, a situation may arise in which although several entities use the same business sectors, other transactions are used in one entity than in another.

One option is to allow and/or to bar the transaction on an entity basis using the “IsxxTrnAllowed” function. This would display the barred transactions as non-exectuable, irrespective of contract status.

Another option is to store entity-specific SELs. To do this, on the one hand a “sub GetDofFilNam” needs to be defined that provides the name of the SEL to be used: one way would be to use the entity key in the filename in addition to parts of the framename. The file extension would still be .dof . On the other hand a corresponding submenu needs to be defined using the FILCFG submenu editor. For example, the “sub GetDofFilNam” provides the entity's extkey in front of the framename. Thus, with the entity 'aaa' the submenu 'aaaletsel.dof' is loaded when starting the 'letsel' transaction, for entity 'bbb' the submenu 'bbbletsel.dof' would be loaded.

If no appropriate submenu is available, the default SEL, 'letsel.dof' is used. If this is also not available, an empty SEL is displayed.