Functions for Locking and Loading of Contracts

ALL transactions are read, registered and locked in a transaction by calling the respective functions (e.g. “TroLockxxx”) in the Init of the transaction (Order 950).
However, it is possible to increase the level of locking in a transaction with low Order.
For example, the contract will only be registered to 'Read' or that only CBS balances may be changed. If it is necessary to lock the contract completely, the same contract can be registered in the Init Order 800 with a more restrictive function.

If the contract is registered with the same or with a more restrictive function, the default call does not work any more. If a user registers with a low level as in the default call, a dump will be written and displayed.

The following functions are available:

  1. “TroReadExistingContract” - Reading the current content of the contract when starting the transaction (incl. CBS and PTS)
  2. “TroLockContractForCBSOnly” - Like. 1. plus previous locking with admitting a subsequent update of the fields that are fed technically. When starting a transaction it is checked, whether a contract already exist and reserves it only for saving CBS entries.
  3. “TroLockExistingOrNewContract -” Like 2. plus mixing the contract data with the loaded SPT record; admits to update all contract data. It can be used with existing or new contracts.
  4. “TroLockExistingOrNewConSilent - Like”. 3. Is used for reading and locking PTE contracts (only from LIAALL).
  5. “TroLockExistingContract”- Like 3. Is used only with already existing contracts.
  6. “TroLockAdditionalContract” - Locks the additional contract and is currently not in use. After starting a transaction it is used to add an already existing contract to the TRO list.