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PTSNEW - Create a new temporary address

Module PTSNEW PTSNEW - Create a new temporary address


This module handles creation of a new temporary address from within a business transaction.


Property YES/NO
Single page frame No
Show toolbar No
Show menu No
Show statusbar No
Show hint No
Fit panel size No


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
TMPMDYFLG Mandatory flag of currently shown PTSPTA Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
TMPPTSPPATH Path of PTSP-module to which temporary address is entered Text 80 1 Edit Yes Public
TMPPTSPTAPATH Path of PTSPTA-module to which temporary address is entered Text 80 1 Edit Yes Public
TMPPTYTYP Party type for Temporary Address Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
BUTSAV Save Control 10 1 Button Yes Public
TMPOLDPOPUP Popup closed to popup temporary address panel Text 80 1 Edit No Public
SAVADR Save Control 10 1 Button Yes Public
CANADR Cancel Control 10 1 Button Yes Public

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield TMPPTSPPATH Path of PTSP-module to which temporary address is entered


As only one instance of address entry is used, this field is necessary to store the PTSPTA-instance to which the current entry is executed.

Datafield TMPPTSPTAPATH Path of PTSPTA-module to which temporary address is entered


As only one instance of address entry is used, this field is necessary to store the PTSPTA-instance to which the current entry is executed.

Datafield TMPPTYTYP Party type for Temporary Address


Type of new created temporary address.

The codetable defines the types of parties that are allowed to be created as temporary addresses. In the standard all types defined in PTYP are allowed except “own address”, but organizations may have additional restrictions.

Code Text
C Client
B Bank
F Foreign
S Shipper
O Other

Datafield TMPOLDPOPUP Popup closed to popup temporary address panel


To allow popping up the old panel again when closing the entry of a temporary address the old popup panel is reminded in this field.

For Example this is necessary for the addresses of settlement or payment panels, which are popup panels.

Datafield SAVADR Save


Save button for temporary address

Datafield CANADR Cancel


Button to cancel entry of a temporary address


Panel Type Description
ADRP0 FramePanel Create Temporary Address

FramePanel ADRP0

Property Value
Width 780
Height 524
Popup position-X 3
Popup position-Y 24
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No


Rule Name Additional
sub PtsSaveTmpAdr static
sub PtsTmpAdrPopup static
sub PtsTmpadrPopupTitledFrame method
sub SavTmpAdr method

Rules Description and Comments

sub PtsSaveTmpAdr( inout ArgPtspta PTSPTA ) static

Update or create a temporary address from within a business transaction.

sub PtsTmpAdrPopup( inout ArgPtspta PTSPTA, in ArgMandatory text ) static

Popups panel to enter additional information for a temprary address based on ADRBLK ArgPtspta
If ArgMandatory is not empty, a address has to be created, if not already available.
possible values for ArgMandatory:
“X” - create temporary address
“H” - create downloaded address
empty - creation of address may be canceled
If the user decides not to do so, the PTSPTA is cleared as well
If ArgPtspta already holds an address, no popup is shown

sub PtsTmpadrPopupTitledFrame method

Popup the Panel with temporary address and title

sub SavTmpAdr method

Create new temporary address if a new address was entered on screen


Module class Instance Comment