Table of Contents

PTSGET - select and/or load PTS

Module PTSGET PTSGET - select and/or load PTS


Servicemodule to search for PTA-records to fill a PTSPTA. It Supplies the
Searchbutton, DDE-functions. Contains the
logic to search a record having supplied the external key.


Property YES/NO
Single page frame No
Show toolbar No
Show menu No
Show statusbar No
Show hint No
Fit panel size No


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
SEAKEY External Key of Address Text 24 1 20 Unknown No Public
DISSEL Disable DbSelect and DDE-Client when set Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
GETADDSUB Sub to be called when a record has been read Text 40 1 Edit No Read only
SELSQL Additional Selection Clause Stream 1 1 Source Yes Public
SELTXT Additional Selection Text Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield SEAKEY External Key of Address


Field which is used as access for the GET. Typically this field is the PTS\EXTKEY field of the issuing and passed PTSPTA.

Datafield DISSEL Disable DbSelect and DDE-Client when set


Set to a nonempty value to disable the access functions.

Datafield GETADDSUB Sub to be called when a record has been read


The module using PTSGET may set a routine to be called by PTSGET after a record has been read or cleared. It is called after the record has been loaded / cleared by a) Selection of a record by the user b) Selection by using a record received from DDE

Datafield SELSQL Additional Selection Clause


Additional SQL Statement.

Will be added to the end of the SQL Statement, connectet with an 'AND' when set.

Datafield SELTXT Additional Selection Text


Will be set into the errormessage. Should describe the wanted effect of SELSQL when filled.

For example when SELTXT is filled with 'closed' the errormessage would look like this:

No closed Contract found for 'xx' instead of No Contract found for 'xx'


Rule Name Additional
function GetPtyTypeSql text method
sub DefaultPTSStmPostProcessing method
sub HandleDDEReceive method
sub HandleUseEntry method
sub RecClearButKey method
sub RecReadRecord method
sub RecReadRecordbyExtkey method
sub SetDependingDataPTSGET method

Rules Description and Comments

function GetPtyTypeSql : text method

Define SQL part for party sql

sub HandleDDEReceive method

Routine to handle records received via DDE

sub HandleUseEntry( in ArgRec PTSPTA ) method

Postprocessing after one entry has been selected

sub RecClearButKey method

Method to clear the whole record except the access keys

sub RecReadRecord( in ArgPtaInr text ) method

Method to read a record with a known INR.
Usually used to check and load entries passed via DDE and Drag & Drop.
Might be used by external caller to initially set a subentry when loading a group.
Caution: When calling RecReadRecord the associated GETADDSUB of the owning GET Module
will be executed.

sub RecReadRecordbyExtkey( in ArgExtKey text ) method

Read PTSPTA\PTA by using content of SEAKEY (e.g. PTSPTA\PTS\EXTKEY) searching in PTA.OBJKEY
If no fitting entry found an errorcode tdOdbcNotFound is returned

sub SetDependingDataPTSGET method

Posted from transaction init after loading of data (i.e. contract)


Module class Instance Comment