Table of Contents

PTSSHW- Show main data of Party

Module PTSSHW PTSSHW- Show main data of Party


This module displays one selected contract address.


Property YES/NO
Single page frame No
Show toolbar No
Show menu No
Show statusbar No
Show hint No
Fit panel size No


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
TYPFLG use of address types Text 10 1 Edit Yes Public
TMPFLG use of temporary addresses Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
STPLEV Stoplevel Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
PTAUSGFLG Allowed Address Usages Types Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
ADRCPYFLG Control copying address to contract Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
PTYINFSTM Stream for all additional party Information Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
CPYADR Use in contract Control 20 1 Button Yes Public
DSPDETSTM Stream to display any Detail (ACT, FEC, LIA etc.) Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
SEAZIP ZIP Code Text 10 1 Edit Yes Public
SEATXT Textpart of City Text 25 1 Edit Yes Public
SEAIBAN IBAN Text 34 1 Edit Yes Public
SEABIC BIC Text 11 1 Edit Yes Public
SEACTY Country Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public CTYTXT
SEAAUS Mainaddress Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
DSPTXTPTYTYP Texttual equivalent of the PTYTP Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
ACTSTM Stream for all Accounts to selected Party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
GTXSTM Stream for all Guarantee texts to selected Party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
LSBSTM Stream for all Limits of selected Party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
MLESTM Stream for all MLEs to selected Party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
PTCSTM Stream for all contact persons of selected Party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
ACTNUM # of accounts Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
ATXSTM Stream for all Advanced texts to selected Party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
FACSTM Stream for all facilities of selected party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
TARSTM Stream for target information to selected Party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
SEACOD Searchvalue for code of PTS Text 24 1 Edit Yes Public
SEANAM Name Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
DSCNAM Description Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
PTAINFTXT additional address Infotext Stream 60 1 Source Yes Public
PTYINFTXT Party Infotext Stream 60 0 Source Yes Public
ADRTELSTM Stream for Tel contact of the party Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield TYPFLG use of address types


Defines, which types of parties can be used with this role. The following formats are supported

a) only characters means that all parties are allowed where one of these types is set Example: “FOC” shows Foreign parties, Other parties and client.

b) a “-” in the string defines, that the following types are not allowed Example: “B-A” : All banks, but no own addresses are permitted

c) =x means that PTYTYP has to be exactly x, thus only those parties are selected, where only this type is set. If = is used twice at leaset one of the combinations have to be in the list. For “x” combinations of 1 or two types are supported. Example: “=C” only parties exactly defined as clients are allowed “=CB” only parties defined exactly as clients and banks are allowed “=CB=C” CB or C are allowed, but no other combinations like CO or B only.

Usually a constant argument definition in xxDGRP. If the allowed types are depending on contract data, link a separate field in xxDGRP and default it there depending on contract data only (like APL in GIDGRP).

Datafield TMPFLG use of temporary addresses


A nonempty value enables manual entry of (temporary) addresses.

Datafield STPLEV Stoplevel


Defines until which stoplevel of an address this can be used in the contract.

Datafield PTAUSGFLG Allowed Address Usages Types


Defines, which types of addresses (PTA\USG) are allowed to select.

Default (empty): All types of addresses may be used and are shown on selection M: Use only MAA-addresses.

Datafield ADRCPYFLG Control copying address to contract


This argument defines, the defaulting and overwriting of the address block in the contract

Default empty: The address lines of this role are no key fields of the contract. Thus the address lines in the contract are reloaded from the address table. PTS is updated as soon as the contract is updated next time after an address change.

M: The address lines are key information of the contract and must not be changed automatically. It is set from database for roles new in contract only. In this case, if the contract address changes, the user is informed that there is a difference, but has to copy the address block explicitly on the Details-panel if an update is necessary.

Datafield PTYINFSTM Stream for all additional party Information


This stream contains information about all information of the selected Party.

For info purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all infos for the given Party.

Datafield DSPDETSTM Stream to display any Detail (ACT, FEC, LIA etc.)


This stream contains ALL Accounts belongs to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all Account infos for the given Party.

Datafield ACTSTM Stream for all Accounts to selected Party


This stream contains ALL Accounts belongs to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all Account infos for the given Party.

Datafield GTXSTM Stream for all Guarantee texts to selected Party


This stream contains ALL Guaratee texts belongs to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all Guarantee texts infos for the given Party.

Datafield LSBSTM Stream for all Limits of selected Party


This stream contains ALL Linit belongs to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all Limit infos for the given Party.

Datafield MLESTM Stream for all MLEs to selected Party


This stream contains ALL MLEs belongs to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all MLE infos for the given Party.

Datafield PTCSTM Stream for all contact persons of selected Party


This stream contains ALL Contact Persons, who belongs to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all contact person infos for the given Party.

Datafield ATXSTM Stream for all Advanced texts to selected Party


This stream contains ALL advanced texts belongs to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all advanced texts infos for the given Party.

Datafield PTAINFTXT additional address Infotext


To be able to show the Infotext of the address on screen its copied from PTA.

Datafield PTYINFTXT Party Infotext


To be able to show the Infotext of the party on screen its copied from PTY.

Datafield TARSTM Stream for target information to selected Party


This stream contains ALL Target information belong to the selected Party.

For print purposes, the stream can be used to get and print all Target information for the given Party.


Panel Type Description
ACTINF FramePanel Accounts
ADRTELINF FramePanel Telephone/ Fax Information
ATXINF FramePanel Advanced Text
FACINF FramePanel Facilities
FECINFP FramePanel Fee Conditions
GTXINF FramePanel Guarantee Text
LSBINF FramePanel Limit Info
MLEINF FramePanel Mailing Instructions
PTCINF FramePanel Contacts
PTMPAN FramePanel Authentication of Address
ROIPAN FramePanel Routing Information
SEAPAN FramePanel Search Panel
SHWPAN FramePanel Show Entry
TARINF FramePanel Target2 information

FramePanel ACTINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel ATXINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel FACINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel FECINFP

Property Value
Width 788
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel GTXINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel LSBINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel MLEINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel PTCINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel PTMPAN

Property Value
Width 628
Height 384
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel ROIPAN

Property Value
Width 700
Height 288
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel SEAPAN

Property Value
Width 788
Height 400
Popup position-X 40
Popup position-Y 40
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel SHWPAN

Property Value
Width 788
Height 400
Popup position-X 40
Popup position-Y 40
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel TARINF

Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No


Property Value
Width 700
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No


Rule Name Additional
sub AddLoadInfoData method
sub DefaultLsbStmPostProcessing method
sub DefaultPTSStmPostProcessing method
sub LoadAddData method
sub ShowPTSPTAEntry static

Rules Description and Comments

sub AddLoadInfoData( in ArgPty PTY, in ArgPtspta PTSPTA ) method

Load additional data for given address

sub DefaultLsbStmPostProcessing( inout ArgStm stream ) method

Limit Stream Postprocessing

sub DefaultPTSStmPostProcessing( inout ArgStm stream ) method

Postprocessing for PTYSTM

sub LoadAddData method

The purpose of this rule is to load additional depending data to be shown on the popup panel.
The name of the rule is fixed and has to be a method, as it is called from SHWBUT after loading
an entry.

The implicite argument is REC, as it holds the entry to be shown.

Typically defaults should _not_ be used to set fields within the SHW module.

sub ShowPTSPTAEntry( in ArgMod PTSPTA, in ArgUsePth text ) static

Rule to show the main data of a dataset on a single popup panel and to search for another entry.
The data to be shown has to be passed via the passed module instance.
The structure of the name of the rule is fixed.

ArgMod holds the module holding the data to be shown.
ArgUsePth holds the path of the calling module

This routine typically is called from an SDAMOD event below a GET module when
clicking on the loupe icon beside the search field.


Module class Instance Comment