Table of Contents

PTSPTA - Data of one contract party

Module PTSPTA PTSPTA - Data of one contract party


This module holds all relevant fields and table information needed for one contract party.


Property YES/NO
Single page frame No
Show toolbar No
Show menu No
Show statusbar No
Show hint No
Fit panel size No


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
TMPFLG use of temporary addresses Text 1 1 Edit No Public
TYPFLG use of address types Text 10 1 Edit No Public
STPLEV Stoplevel Text 1 1 Edit No Public
ADRCPYFLG Control copying address to contract Text 1 1 Edit No Public
PTAUSGFLG Allowed Address Usages Types Text 1 1 Edit No Public
MDTFLG Mandatory flag Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
DBFADRBLK Addressblock as from database Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
OLDADRBLK Old addressblock as read from PTS Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
OLDFLG Flag set, if PTS has been read from database Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
OLDPTSPTAINR Old PTAINR as read from PTS Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
PTYTYP Type of Party Text 10 1 Edit Yes Public
PTYEXTKEY External Key of party Text 24 1 Edit Yes Public
PTYBCHREF Party Branch code for reference number Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
ROLCHGFLG Changes allowed flag Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
ROLCHGMSG Reason of role change restriction Block 80 5 Block Yes Public
RSKCTY Risk Country(from PTY) Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public CTYTXT
INTPTSSIG Signature of last asserted PTS-status Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
ROLSETFLG Flag whether role is set Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
PTYINFDSP Display Party Information Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public INFDSP
PTAINFDSP Display Address Information Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public INFDSP
SELFLG Flag set, if PTS is in selection Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
PTSCHGFLDFLG Flag for enable/disable of PTS fields Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
PTYINFTXT Party Infotext Stream 60 0 Source Yes Public
PTAINFTXT additional address Infotext Stream 60 1 Source Yes Public
BILMAXPRC Percent per Bill Numeric 5 2 Edit Yes Public
LOCINCORP Location of Incorporation Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield TMPFLG use of temporary addresses


A nonempty value enables manual entry of (temporary) addresses.

Datafield TYPFLG use of address types


Defines, which types of parties can be used with this role. The following formats are supported

a) only characters means that all parties are allowed where one of these types is set Example: “FOC” shows Foreign parties, Other parties and client.

b) a “-” in the string defines, that the following types are not allowed Example: “B-A” : All banks, but no own addresses are permitted

c) =x means that PTYTYP has to be exactly x, thus only those parties are selected, where only this type is set. If = is used twice at leaset one of the combinations have to be in the list. For “x” combinations of 1 or two types are supported. Example: “=C” only parties exactly defined as clients are allowed “=CB” only parties defined exactly as clients and banks are allowed “=CB=C” CB or C are allowed, but no other combinations like CO or B only.

Usually a constant argument definition in xxDGRP. If the allowed types are depending on contract data, link a separate field in xxDGRP and default it there depending on contract data only (like APL in GIDGRP).

Datafield STPLEV Stoplevel


Defines until which stoplevel of an address this can be used in the contract.

Datafield ADRCPYFLG Control copying address to contract


This argument defines, the defaulting and overwriting of the address block in the contract

Default empty: The address lines of this role are no key fields of the contract. Thus the address lines in the contract are reloaded from the address table. PTS is updated as soon as the contract is updated next time after an address change.

M: The address lines are key information of the contract and must not be changed automatically. It is set from database for roles new in contract only. In this case, if the contract address changes, the user is informed that there is a difference, but has to copy the address block explicitly on the Details-panel if an update is necessary.

Datafield PTAUSGFLG Allowed Address Usages Types


Defines, which types of addresses (PTA\USG) are allowed to select.

Default (empty): All types of addresses may be used and are shown on selection M: Use only MAA-addresses.

Datafield MDTFLG Mandatory flag


If set to an nonempty value, the address is mandatory and this is checked by the PTSP-Functions.

MDTFLG is intentionally instantiated and not an argument as parties are often not mandatory in some and mandatory in other transactions or mandatory depending on other data of contract. Thus the flag is to be set by default.

Datafield OLDADRBLK Old addressblock as read from PTS


The addressblock from address has to be available to reset to old value if selection is cleared or the old address is selected again.

For internal use in PTSMOD only. Do not use from transaction logic. If necessary, define OLDxxDGRP.

Datafield OLDFLG Flag set, if PTS has been read from database


This field is set to “X” by PtsModGetPtsptaForContract, if the PTS is read from database.

This information may be used later to control the direction of defaulting inside the PTS-System.

Code Text
not read from database
X read from database

Datafield OLDPTSPTAINR Old PTAINR as read from PTS


PTAINR as read from PTS. If this INR is still loaded after selecting a new address, the addressblock is reloaded from OLDADRBLK if not modified and ADRCPYFLG is set.

Datafield PTYTYP Type of Party


Copied from PTY to allow easy access in correspondence.

Datafield PTYEXTKEY External Key of party


Copied from PTY to allow easy access in correspondence.

Datafield PTYBCHREF Party Branch code for reference number


To be able to show the branch of the party on screen its copied from PTY.

Datafield ROLCHGFLG Changes allowed flag


The allowed changes may be restricted by setting this field.

The field can be set in PtsAdjust-functions using PtsSetRolChgFlg.

The settlement- and liability-modules are using this to avoid changes of roles used in that areas.

Code Text
Changes and deletion allowed if new
P Protected for changes and deletion
C Changes allowed, deletion not
PO Only protected if new

Datafield ROLCHGMSG Reason of role change restriction


This block holds the information why the changing of party details is restricted. It is set with the last parameter of PtsSetRolChgFlg and shown as hint and in prompts if the user tries to change party anyway.

Datafield RSKCTY Risk Country(from PTY)


Copied from PTY to allow easy access in correspondence.

Datafield INTPTSSIG Signature of last asserted PTS-status


This field contains the signature of the PTS\INR and PTS\ADRBLK of the asserted status of PTS.

Set and used by PTSMOD.PtsmodSetPtsPtaFromChilds only to decide if PtsCallAssert is necessary.

Datafield ROLSETFLG Flag whether role is set

Code Text
Role is not set
Y Role is set

Datafield SELFLG Flag set, if PTS is in selection


This field is set to “X” by PtsModPopupSel.

This information may be used later to control the reload of PTSPTA.

Code Text
not in selection panel
X just in selection

Datafield PTSCHGFLDFLG Flag for enable/disable of PTS fields


If not empty, PTS fields on PTSMOD\DETP are enabled independent on PANSTA.

Content is copied to PTSMOD\PTSCHGFLDFLG, when details panel is handled.

Datafield PTYINFTXT Party Infotext


To be able to show the Infotext of the party on screen its copied from PTY.

Datafield PTAINFTXT additional address Infotext


To be able to show the Infotext of the address on screen its copied from PTA.

Datafield LOCINCORP Location of Incorporation


copied from PTY


Rule Name Additional
function IsRolSet boolean method
sub DefaultROLSETFLG method

Rules Description and Comments

function IsRolSet : boolean method

determine, whether this PTSPTA is filled with an appropriate address
i.e. whether PTSPTA\ROL is set

sub DefaultROLSETFLG method



Module class Instance Comment