Reference Numbers with More than 16 Digits

Up to now, DOKA has only supported reference numbers up to 16 digits. However, customers quite often use longer reference numbers.

Creating Longer Reference Numbers

If a reference number is to contain more than 16 digits - for the role of 'Applicant' for example - a text field needs to be defined in REC (equivalent to the table in the respective business sector, e.g. LID) with the required length and the description APLREFCUS.

DOKA checks whether this field exists. If the field is available in REC, the field REC\[Role]REFCUS is displayed on the Details panel for the address instead of the [Role]\PTS\REF reference field.

The values of REFCUS fields are copied into [Role]P\PTS\REF fields.

Reference Numbers in Correspondence

The central rule “SWTPrtReference (tag, channel, role)” is used to control the output of reference numbers in correspondence.

Tag is obligatory, channel and role are optional.

If the channel is empty, the short reference is output
If the channel is entered, the function will know whether the short or long reference it to be used
If the role in empty, use \TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DOCCUR\ROLE - this is the field that will have to be used in 99% of cases.

N.B.: If a longer reference number is to be used in correspondence, the documents may have to be adapted accordingly by applying this rule. The 16-digit limit for electronic messages (e.g. SWIFT) remains unchanged. These will continue to be supported only for 16 digits.