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Handling Textfields Using a Modify Flag

Text fields can be filled in a variety of ways. Field content can come from incoming messages, filled with default values and of course can be filled in by the user. The Modify flag indicates whether the user or the transaction has control over the field. In the latter case, the text field is disabled and field content is determined by default values. If the Modify flag is checked, the user has control of the text field, it is enabled and the default value does not change the content. If a text field is filled with information from an incoming message, the user gains control of the field so that the information from the message cannot be lost.

In addition, the verifier can recognize from a warning whether the content of the field matches the default or whether it has been manually changed in this transaction

Required Fields

- the text field itself;

- the Modify flag, whose name is composed of the name of the text field and FLG;

- the field that contains content generated from the default value for the text field. The name of this field is composed of the name of the text filed and the extension DEF.

Required Rules

On Level 2 in the panel module for the business sector there is a default rule for the field of the order 10 that secures the current content of the field. In addition, the content can be reset (if possible) to the value provided after the transaction was started. This rule also controls whether the text field is open for entries, or not. In accordance to this rule, the actual default value of the field can follow.

Also on Level 2, there is a default rule of the order 999999, that, where necessary, resets the content of the text field to the values secured in order 10. In addition, this rule issues a warning if the content of the text field has been changed and is different from the default. Prior to this rule, the actual default value of the field need to have been defined

Moreover, on Level 2 of the panel module, the flag field needs to be checked in the Init of the transaction if the text field has been amended.

Notes on Further Use

When changing a flag field in a rule, please note that deleting the flag field can lead to a loss of data in the flag field.

The actual default rule for the text field is at least on Level 5 and should also be found in the panel module so that the default can be re-run in the transactions and the field assigned with the right content. It can also be defined in the transaction. In this case, the default of the text field will only be changed in the transaction and other transactions use the default value.