Free Text in the Message Details Panel

If the free text of a specific message is to be defaulted for a specific party of a transaction, the function “RegisterAddTxt” has to be redefined as 'Local Procedure' on the transaction level. In case, several “RegisterAddTxt” functions are to be implemented, it has to be considered, that these are to be executed in alphabetical order one after another.


“Sub RegisterAddTxt(in ArgDoc DOCEOT) method”

“if ArgDoc\ID = “TRNISS” then
  if ArgDoc\ROLE = “ISS” then
    if ArgDoc\CORTYP = “SWT” then
      SetAddTxt( RMDGRP\BLK\MIXDET )


“Sub RegisterAddTxtSample(in ArgDoc DOCEOT) method”

“if ArgDoc\ID = “TRNBEN” then
  if ArgDoc\ROLE = “BEN” then
    if ArgDoc\CORTYP = “LET” then
      SetAddTxt( 'Please consider our general agreement.')

If both above-mentioned examples are implemented in one transaction, at first RegisterAddTxt and then RegisterAddTxtSample will be executed.

This is an example for displaying a defined codeword in a message:

“Sub RegisterAddTxt(in ArgDoc DOCEOT) method”

“# Controlling field ADDTXT res. ADDSTR
# in case MT 707, Tag 72 has to be defaulted with /BENCON/ ”

“if ArgDoc\ID = “TRNADV1” then
  if ArgDoc\CORTYP = “SWT” then
    SetAddTxt( ”/BENCON/“ )

The intention of the previous example is to display the codeword “/BENCON”/ in tag 72 of the outgoing MT707 message.

Details can be found under Concept.