Table of Contents

Utilities for Handling Documents

Module DOCIMM Utilities for Handling Documents



Property YES/NO
Single page frame No
Show toolbar No
Show menu No
Show statusbar No
Show hint No
Fit panel size No


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
Filename Name of .SF2 File Text 255 1 Edit Yes Public
ASCIN Message as stream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
LastFilename Filename of file currently loaded Text 255 1 Edit Yes Public
Title Title Text 128 1 Edit Yes Public
PrtFilename Name of generated print file Text 255 1 Edit Yes Public
PSPCTL control stream of used persistent panels Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
SWTHEADIF Header length in SWT message Numeric 4 0 Edit Yes Public
TMFCOLFLG Flag that output is to be collected in TMFSTM Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
PRTVIEFLG Supress VIEWER Text on Show Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
TMFSTM Stream to collect output Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
DUPPRTMOD Duplex Print mode Text 17 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
FldStream Messagefields as stream (from SwiftConvert) Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
NameStream tags in fldstream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
TAGOVR Content of TAGOVR.INI Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
TAGOVRFILE Filename of “TAGOVR.INI” Text 12 1 Edit Yes Public
TAGSUP Content of TAGSUP.INI Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
TAGSUPFILE Filename of “TAGSUP.INI” Text 12 1 Edit Yes Public
TAGOVRMT MT for current TAGOVRMTPOS Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
TAGOVRMTPOS First Line for MT in TAGOVR Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
TAGOVRMTLST Last Line for MT in TAGOVR Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
TAGSUPSFTFLDPOS First Line for [SFT-FLD] in TAGSUP Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
TAGSUPSFTFLDLST Last Line for [SFT-FLD] in TAGSUP Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
TAGSUPFIOTAGPOS First Line for [SWIFT-FIOTAG] in TAGSUP Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
TAGSUPFIOTAGLST Last Line for [SWIFT-FIOTAG] in TAGSUP Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
MSG701 Content for MT701 Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
MSGCTL List of Start/Length information for created messages Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
CORTYPTEC List of technical CORTYPes Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
CORTYPATM list of Cortypes, which can have attachments Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
SWTMAXLEN maximum length of a block {4:} of an SWT message Numeric 6 0 Edit Yes Public
SWTDSPFLG Display flag for Swift Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
LSTMT Last MT Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
CLTPRTFLG Print System Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
DSPFMT Display Format Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
OUTFMT Output Format for PrintAllTags Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
OUTSTM Output Stream for MakeStreamFromSwift or MakeTMF Stream 3 1 Source Yes Public
ETYPTH Path to instance of entity Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
ScoreTag20 Outer Tag 20 for first message Text 16 1 Edit Yes Public
ScoreTag23X Content of Tag 20X (name of FileAct-File) Text 70 1 Edit Yes Public
DSPSTM Display Stream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
PRTPANEL Print panel description Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
CPYFLG Print as Copy Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
ASCIN1 Message as stream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
ASCIN2 Message as stream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
ASCIN3 Message as stream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
ASCIN4 Message as stream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
ASCIN5 Message as stream Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
MSGBEFS18FLG Flag that indicates that the message is created before the 2018 release Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
MSGBEFS20FLG Flag that indicates that the message is created before the 2020 release Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
MSGBEFS23FLG Flag that indicates that the message is created before the 2023 release Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield PrtFilename Name of generated print file


only when Unix print system is used, this variable is set in SaveXMLForPrinter

Datafield PSPCTL control stream of used persistent panels


Holds one line for each open panel. The values of PSPx is stored in line x. The line holds the originating panel + <tab> + heading.

Datafield SWTHEADIF Header length in SWT message


used in length check for SWIFT messages. In business transactions set to 'calculated' value 60. Can be redefaulted in overlays.

Datafield TMFCOLFLG Flag that output is to be collected in TMFSTM


set to 'X' to instruct ExecPopupTitledFrame to collect content of XML documetn panles in TMFSTM (for later output in one display) instead of direct display

Datafield TMFSTM Stream to collect output


Used by corresponding functions: StartPopupToTMF, StopPopupToTMF, PopupTMF

Datafield TAGSUPFILE Filename of "TAGSUP.INI"


is set depending on message format / SR2018 e.g. SWT = TAGSUP.INI / SWTSUP.ini TCO = TCOSUP.INI/ TCOSUP18.ini DTA = DTASUP.ini / DTASUP18.ini DTE = DTESUP.INI / DTG = DTGSUP.ini / DTGSUP18.ini

Datafield MSGCTL List of Start/Length information for created messages


Format: one line per partial message 1,8 position of first byte of message 9,8 position of last byte of message

(Counting for positions as by ConvertSwift, i.e. line delimiters are NOT counted)

Datafield CORTYPTEC List of technical CORTYPes


Stream is set in init of DOCIMM with GetCORTYPTechnical to list of CORTYP for which the first three digits of the application form set equals CORTYP

Datafield SWTDSPFLG Display flag for Swift

Code Text
P specified portion of stream
A all messages in stream
S split via SplitMsg

Datafield LSTMT Last MT


MT to use for SWTGetOVRTag (when splitting messages, MT is not part of the displayed FLDStream but printed separately)

Datafield CLTPRTFLG Print System


W meant before 'W'indows i.e. Client printing W means printing on client side (Windows or Java), i.e. using PrintText after SetContext(“PRINTSERVER” ,“CLIENT”)

S meant before (Unix) 'S'erver Printing S means creation of PS2 files and submitting of the file via enqueue (tdprtcmd)

X means printing on Windows Server using Windows Printer Driver / Print Device Context, i.e. i.e. using PrintText after SetContext(“PRINTSERVER” ,“SERVER”)

Code Text
W Client Print System
S Generate Postscript Files
X Windows Server Printing

Datafield DSPFMT Display Format


Flag to allow additional display formats/filter

Can be set by application via SetDisplayFormat

Code Text
NOH Suppress Non-SWIFT Tags

Datafield OUTFMT Output Format for PrintAllTags

Code Text
to current document panel
PRT to output (unformatted print)

Datafield ETYPTH Path to instance of entity


Can be set via DOCIMMSetEty

Datafield PRTPANEL Print panel description


used to load printpanel in MakePDF with customer logic

Datafield MSGBEFS20FLG Flag that indicates that the message is created before the 2020 release


Flag that indicates that the message is created before the 2021 release, but after the 2018 release

Datafield DUPPRTMOD Duplex Print mode


Allows to set Duplex mode for printing in non Windows Server installations.

The selected Mode is embedded in the created Postscriptfile which is send to the printer.

Code Text
Printer Default

Datafield MSGBEFS23FLG Flag that indicates that the message is created before the 2023 release


Flag that indicates that the message is created before the 2023 release, but after the 2021 release

Datafield PRTVIEFLG Supress VIEWER Text on Show


If flag is not empty the text “Viewer” on top of a displayed document is supressed.


Panel Type Description
PRTSWTP XMLPanel Print/Disp of SWIFT Pretty Print
PRTSWTR FramePanel Raw Format
PRTSWTRP XMLPanel Raw Format for Print
PSP1 XMLPanel Persistent Panel 1
PSP2 XMLPanel Persistent Panel 2
PSP3 XMLPanel Persistent Panel 3
PSP4 XMLPanel Persistent Panel 4
PSP5 XMLPanel Persistent Panel 5
PSRP1 FramePanel Persistent Raw Panel 1
PSRP2 FramePanel Persistent Raw Panel 2
PSRP3 FramePanel Persistent Raw Panel 3
PSRP4 FramePanel Persistent Raw Panel 4
PSRP5 FramePanel Persistent Raw Panel 5


Property Value
Format A4
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Popup width 790
Popup height 513
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes

FramePanel PRTSWTR

Property Value
Width 790
Height 513
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No


Property Value
Format A4
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Popup width 640
Popup height 400
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes


Property Value
Format A4
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 10
Popup width 790
Popup height 513
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes


Property Value
Format A4
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Popup width 790
Popup height 513
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes


Property Value
Format A4
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 30
Popup width 790
Popup height 513
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes


Property Value
Format A4
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 30
Popup width 790
Popup height 513
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes


Property Value
Format A4
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 30
Popup width 790
Popup height 513
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes

FramePanel PSRP1

Property Value
Width 790
Height 513
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel PSRP2

Property Value
Width 790
Height 513
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel PSRP3

Property Value
Width 790
Height 513
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel PSRP4

Property Value
Width 790
Height 513
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No

FramePanel PSRP5

Property Value
Width 790
Height 513
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel Yes
Global No


Property Value
Page width 800
Page height 600
Top margin 0
Bottom margin 0
Left margin 0
Right margin 0
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 20
Popup width 790
Popup height 513
Visible No
Read only Yes
Show toolbar No
Popup panel Yes


Rule Name Additional
function GetContextPanel panel method
function GetCORTYPFromFileName text static
function GetDocumentFdr text global
function GetNewFrameName text method
function GetNewMT text static
function GetViewerFromSMH text method
function hasTAGSUP boolean static
function isCORTYPTechnical boolean static
function IsDTARel2009Active boolean method
function IsDTARel2012Active boolean method
function IsDTARel2016Active boolean method # DO5HSH.000390
function IsSftRelNov2009Active boolean method
function IsSicRel2023Active boolean static
function loadContentFromAllLoadedMessages text method
function PopupIncSMHsOfOrder text static
function SplitMsg numeric static
function SplitMsgDTAInc numeric method
function StripSwiftStream text global
function StripTelexStream text global
function SWTGetAdrFromAdr text static
function SWTGetAdrFromBIC text static
function SWTGetAdrFromPTM text static
function SWTGetAdrFromTID text static
function SWTGetOVRTag text method
function SWTGetTagDesc text method
function SWTGetTagFormat text method
function SWTReadAdrByBICinternal text static
function SWTReadAdrFromNotUniqueBIC text static
function TLXCreateHeaderBlock text static
sub AnalyseSwiftStream method
sub CheckMsgLength static
sub clearFLDLST method
sub ConvertSIC2Swift method
sub ConvertSwiftWithSequences global
sub DOCIMMSetEty static
sub ExecPopupTitledFrame static
sub fillFLDLST method
sub GetDocumentPathAndName global
sub GetSmhStm global
sub IncludeIncomingAsSwift static
sub IncludeSMHAsSwift static
sub InitializeFields method
sub IsBeforeSFTActivationFmtMsg static
sub LoadDocument method
sub LoadDocumentbyViewer method
sub LoadSwiftFile method
sub Make999fromSwt static
sub MakeMultiSMHasPDF method
sub MakePDF method
sub MakePDFFromSMH static
sub MakePDFfromTMF method
sub MakeStreamFromSwt static
sub MakeTMF method
sub MenuPrintRaw method
sub MenuPrintRaw1 method
sub MenuPrintRaw2 method
sub MenuPrintRaw3 method
sub MenuPrintRaw4 method
sub MenuPrintRaw5 method
sub MenuSwiftasRaw static
sub MenuSwiftasRaw1 static
sub MenuSwiftasRaw2 static
sub MenuSwiftasRaw3 static
sub MenuSwiftasRaw4 static
sub MenuSwiftasRaw5 static
sub MessageHeader method
sub PopupDocFromSMH static
sub PopupDocWithSMH static
sub PopupFile static
sub PopupSmhFromInr static
sub PopupStreamAsSwift static
sub PopupStreamAsSWIFTWithSMH method
sub PopupStreamRaw static
sub PopupStreamRawFromSMH static
sub PopupStreamRAWInfo static
sub PopupTMF method
sub PrintDoc method
sub PrintDocFromSMH static
sub PrintDocWithSMH static
sub PrintLocalFooter method
sub PrintSwiftLine method
sub replaceMTags method
sub ReplaceSMHbyORI method
sub SendMessageStatus method
sub SetDisplayFormat static
sub SetFileName method
sub SetScoreTag20 static
sub SetTagSupFile method
sub ShowDisplayCus static
sub SplitFileName static
sub SplitMsgGetCtl static
sub StartPopupToTMF method
sub StopPopupToTMF method
sub TCOGetPatchDateTags method

Rules Description and Comments

function GetCORTYPFromFileName( in infilename text ) : text static

returns CORTYP depending on filename (typically from extension)

function GetNewFrameName( in ArgOldFrameName text ) : text method

function returns the name of the corresponding pre-open-transaction

function GetNewMT( in orimt text, in index numeric ) : text static

determine resulting MT for splitted messages

function GetViewerFromSMH( in argSMH SMH ) : text method

Determine how document described by argSMH should be displayed/printed
By setting appropriate entries with CacheWrite in DOCIMM.init different viewers can be configured

function hasTAGSUP( in ArgCorTyp text ) : boolean static

checks, if the actual cortype is in tagged format. This means, it is a technical message type

function isCORTYPTechnical( in argCORTYP text ) : boolean static

determines whether CORTYP is `technical` i.e.
- for this CORTYP the first three digits of the application form set equal CORTYP
- number of (printed) originals is always 0

function IsDTARel2009Active : boolean method

Function to check whether the DTA-Changes November 2009 are active
If set also valid for TCO messages in DTA format

function IsDTARel2012Active : boolean method

Function to check whether the DTA-Changes November 2012 are active
If set also valid for TCO messages in DTA format

function IsDTARel2016Active : boolean method # DO5HSH.000390

Function to check whether the DTA-Changes November 2016 are active
If set also valid for TCO messages in DTA format
the activation date can be entered in DNGPARA.INI (via DBITDP)

function IsSftRelNov2009Active : boolean method

Function to check whether the Swift Release November 2009 is active
the activation date can be entered in DNGPARA.INI (via DBITDP)
Date effictive of the update is 21st November 2009

function loadContentFromAllLoadedMessages( in ArgFieldname text ) : text method

This method searches for the ArgFieldname in FldStream of the current message and in all potential loaded
sequences. For ErrorCode-Handling: pleace see documentation of LoadContent
ArgFieldname: Filedname to search for (e.g.: MT_MT)
related methods: fillFLDLST, clearFLDLST

function PopupIncSMHsOfOrder( in ArgOrdInr text, in ArgSmhInr text, in ArgGrpInr text ) : text static

PopUp Window to show all included messages
return the seletion result

function StripSwiftStream( inout argASCIN stream, inout argsmh SMH ) : text global

Implementation specific method to strip envelop from incoming messages
used for incoming messages on processing and display

function StripTelexStream( inout argASCIN stream ) : text global

Implementation specific method to strip envelop from incoming telex messages
used for incoming messages on processing and display

function SWTGetAdrFromAdr( in ArgFmt text, in argAdrkey text, out ArgPtaInr text, out ArgAmbFlg text ) : text static

If key is found for the actual cortype, then try to solve address and return PTAINR.

function SWTGetAdrFromPTM( in ArgFmt text, in argptmkey text, out ArgPtaInr text, out ArgAmbFlg text ) : text static

Search with the given key from incoming message in PTM file.
If key is found for the actual cortype, then try to solve address and return PTAINR.

function SWTGetOVRTag( in mt text, in tag text ) : text method

Search tag in Section “M”+mt of overlay and return content

function SWTGetTagDesc( in mt text, in tag text ) : text method

read description (first try overlay, then standard file)

function SWTGetTagFormat( in tag text ) : text method

Get format for tag from INI file

function SWTReadAdrByBICinternal( in argbic text, out argptainr text, out argambflg text ) : text static

read address for BIC passed

function SWTReadAdrFromNotUniqueBIC( in ArgBic text, in ArgEtg text, in ArgEty text, out argptainr text, out argambflg text ) : text static

read address for not unique BIC

sub AnalyseSwiftStream( inout MSGPOS numeric, inout MSGLEN numeric, in argCORTYP text ) method

converts message in stream ASCIN, starting at argument MSGPOS
if length passed in MSGLEN is 0 or -1, the system determines length of the next message

sub CheckMsgLength( in ArgMt text, in ArgCorTyp text, in ArgMsgTxt stream ) static

checks, if the lenght of the ready created message is correct, according to the entry in [MAXLEN] section in tagsup.ini

sub clearFLDLST method

Deletes all entries from list FLDLST
related methods: fillFLDLST, loadContentFromAllLoadedMessages

sub ConvertSIC2Swift( inout argASCIN stream ) method

convert SIC to SWIFT, basically replace “<” and “>” by “:“

sub ConvertSwiftWithSequences( in ArgASCIN stream, inout ArgFldStream stream, inout ArgMSGPOS numeric, inout ArgMSGLEN numeric ) global

This function acts like standard ConvertSwift, but makes sure that Sequence C Tags are always inserted with <subID>.B or .C in fldstream so that they can be
addressed separately in Mappings.

sub DOCIMMSetEty ( in argETY ety ) static

store instance of ETY that should be used for BIC resolution

sub fillFLDLST( in ArgModText text, in ArgStart numeric, in ArgTotal numeric ) method

Method loads the FldStream of of any given Message in ArgModText to FLDLST. To do so this method uses
other methods from DOCIMM. So you may need to reload your actual Message!

ArgModText: Module-list of SMHs
ArgStart: The first Message from ArgModText to be loaded
ArgTotal: The total Number of Messages in ArgModText
related methods: loadContentFromAllLoadedMessages, clearFLDLST

sub GetDocumentPathAndName( in ArgNam text, out ArgPath text, out ArgFil text ) global

Routine to split a Filepath of a document into the path portion (which might be a zipfilename)
and the document portion (which might include the directory prefix `splitmsg`)

ArgNam gets the full filepath of the document
ArgPath returns the full absolute filepath
ArgFil returns the filename optionally including the splitmsg directory

sub GetSmhStm( out ArgStm stream, in ArgSMH SMH, in ArgOrdInr text, in ArgSMHInr text, in ArgGrpInr text ) global

Get Stream with all included messages
return the seletion result

sub IncludeIncomingAsSwift( in inSMH SMH ) static

print all incoming messages
for incoming multimessage GRPINR determines whether multiple files are to be loaded

sub IncludeSMHAsSwift( in inSMH SMH ) static

print a message (to be included in document)

sub IsBeforeSFTActivationFmtMsg static

Sets Message creation Flags in case the SMH creation date is before SWIFTactivation release date but latest before 2018-11-18 or 2020-11-16

sub MakeMultiSMHasPDF( in insmh SMH, in ArgWRKSMH SMH, in argOUTDIR text, in jobnam text, in argHEATXT text, in argADDSMHINR stream ) method

generate document passed in SMH
OUTDIR specifies the path where files generated (result resp. in-queue for srvprt)
Heatxt is content for PRINTCONTEXT
jobnam is content for PRINTCONTEXT1
argADDSMHINR contains list of additional SMH (i.e. attachments) to be integrated into same .pdf

sub MakePDF( in OUTDIR text, in heatxt text, in jobnam text ) method

generate document passed in SMH as PDF File
OUTDIR specifies the path where files generated (result resp. in-queue for srvprt)

sub MakePDFFromSMH( in insmh SMH, in OUTDIR text, in heatxt text, in jobnam text ) static

generate document passed in SMH
OUTDIR specifies the path where files generated (result resp. in-queue for srvprt)
USEDLL=`W` means PDF generation using SaveText(,,7) and wPDF010A.dll
USEDLL=`S` means storing to a directory, so that srvprt will actually generate the file
Heatxt is content for PRINTCONTEXT
jobnam is content for PRINTCONTEXT1

sub MakePDFfromTMF( in argTMFSTM stream, in argfile text ) method

generate document passed in TMF for,at in argTMFSTM as PDF File
argfile specifies the filename

sub MakeTMF( out argSTM stream, in inSMH SMH, in heatxt text, in jobnam text, in typ text ) method

generate document passed in SMH as PDF File
OUTDIR specifies the path where files generated (result resp. in-queue for srvprt)

sub PopupFile( in infilename text, in inTitle text, in inCORTYP text ) static

show a file using appropriate viewer
CORTYP is determined from extension if not supplied

sub PopupSmhFromInr( in ArgSmh SMH, in ArgSmhInr text, in inTITLE text, in ArgPrtVieFlg text ) static

show group of documents as one document

sub PopupStreamAsSwift( in docstream stream, in inTitle text, in inDIR text, in inCORTYP text ) static

formatted display of docstream as popup

sub PopupTMF( in argTITLE text ) method

Corresponding functions: StartPopupToTMF, StopPopupToTMF, PopupTMF

sub PrintDocFromSMH( in insmh SMH, in inprt PRT, in outfilename text ) static

print document passed in SMH

sub PrintDocWithSMH( in insmh SMH, in inprt PRT, in outfilename text ) static

print document passed in SMH
LoadDocument (or equivalent) has already been performed

sub PrintSwiftLine( in description text, in tag text, in content text, in sep boolean ) method

print one tag of a SWIFT message

sub replaceMTags( inout ArgMsg stream ) method

Replace M-Tag by N-Tag, if entry in respective xxxOVR.INI found
check, if Tag name should be replaced by “Nxx”

sub SetDisplayFormat( in argDSPFMT text ) static

set display format for next display or include

sub SetFileName method

Sets the filename from SMH
If the file does not exist, try to unpack the file from archive zip file

sub SetScoreTag20( in argContent text ) static

set start for outer tag 20 for Score messages (used, if :20S: is not present in header)

sub SetTagSupFile( in argDOCTYP text ) method

Set TagSupfile for Pretty Print functions + ConvertSwift according to document type passed as argument
argument can be a three digit CORTYP or a one digit FMT specification (e.g. S/T/E) can be passed as well (e.g tobe used in DBxSWM where only a format but no CORTYP is known)

sub SplitMsgGetCtl( out ctl stream ) static

returns MSGCTL from last call to SplitMsg

sub StartPopupToTMF method

Corresponding functions: StartPopupToTMF, StopPopupToTMF, PopupTMF

sub StopPopupToTMF method

Corresponding functions: StartPopupToTMF, StopPopupToTMF, PopupTMF

sub TCOGetPatchDateTags( inout ArgTagStm stream ) method

returns M and N Tags that needs to be patched to 8 Digits

function IsSicRel2023Active : boolean static

Function to check whether the SIC/EuroSIC Release 2023 is active
the activation date can be entered in DNGPARA.INI (via DBITDP)
Date effective of the update is 17.11.2023


Module class Instance Comment