Free Text in the Message Details Panel

General Information

In the fields “ADDTXT” and “ADDSTR” on the Message Details panel, a free-form text can be entered for each message.

The content of “ADDTXT” will be reproduced in printed correspondence.
In contrast, the content of “ADDSTR” will be reproduced in electronic messages.

The content of these two fields is kept identical on principle. The only differences can result from characters such as umlauts in “ADDTXT” being converted for display in “ADDSTR” when switching the medium from letter to Swift, as such characters are not permitted in Swift messages.

Default setting

Besides the interactive selection of text blocks, the free text (ADDTXT res. ADDSTR) in the message details panel can also be defaulted with individual texts. Analog to the “RegisterSettlement()” and “RegisterDocument()” functions there is a group of functions with the prefix “registerAddTxt”. All these functions are listed alphabetically per message in the document grid.

“RegisterAddTxt” gets the current instance from DOCEOT as “ArgDoc”. In this way, all fields (like for example role, channel, etc.) can be requested directly.

Details about the Implementation can be found under this link.