Table of Contents

TARGET2 Integration until March 2023

Header Section 1 (Basic)

Digit Content
1 - 3 F01 (Standard)
4 - 15 BIC (Customized)
16 - 26 Customized Assignment

In SRVSWT.MakeSwiftII() the actual message is generated in SWIFT format, e.g. the headers 1 - 5 are generated and passed as complete SWIFT message to SWIFT or they are written to disc as complete SWIFT file.

All parts of the output stream, which can be customized (at present OWNBIC and '0000000000'), can be set via customized functions (SRVSWT.GetOwnBic(in $T103 text) and “SRVSWT.GetCounter” (in $T103 text)).

In case of standard SWIFT messages, these functions return exactly what is currently implemented (OWNBIC and '0000000000').

In TARGET messages (identifiable by the content 'RTP' in $T103) the required items (e.g. a continuous counter per day) have to be implemented in these functions.

Header Section 2 (Application)

Digit Content
1 I or O (The function “GetDirection()” on level 5 returns the value for the first digit (I or O).)
2 - 4 103 or 202
5 - 16 Receiver BIC

Normally, not the receiver BIC, but another BIC (e.g. the BIC of an internal payment system) is specified for RTGS / TARGET. Thus, it must be possible to assign this field as customized. This can be realized via the function “SRVSWT.GetIOBIC” (in $tag text, in $bic text)). It returns a BIC.

In case of standard SWIFT messages, this functions returns exactly what is currently implemented.

Header Section 3 (User)

Tag Content
103 TGT (Standard)
113 Customized Assignment, e.g. NNNN
108 Customized Assignment
119 Customized Assignment

The function “TRNMOD.SwtCreateHeaderFunRTGSCusTag” (in tag text) provides the value for the passed tag that is set in this function for the customized assignment.