Bolero Integration

Messages are imported using the SRVBOI service that is latched to SWITSK.

The service depacketizes the incoming file into single messages. All these sub-files are created in the 'emlinc' directory of the 'tmp' partition. When this directory (e.g. with 'emlinc' representing a symbolic link to another file system monitored by a virus scanner) has been checked for viruses, a virus check of the incoming files can be made.

The message is parsed in SRVBOI, using BOISAX and the fields mapped.

SRVBOI.DetermineMT is used to map the message to the DOKA processing transaction .

Further configuration is much the same as for other channels and is described in Definition of Message Channels.

Ini Files

The following .ini files are used to process Bolero messages:


With SWIFT Release 2021, Bolero has started to switch from dtd to xsd based message definitions. This started with guarantee messages but all other messages will follow. In order to support a mix of dtd and xsd based messages, the functions of BOLMOD and its submodul BOLMODU have been copied into new modules BOLMODX and BOLMODUX. All BOLMOD functions where copied into these new modules and renamed by adding a Upper case “X” to the function name. Any xsd related Bolero function must use the <name>X version. of a Bolero function. Example: dtd based messages use function BOLMODU.BOLTextTag to print a single line Text Bolero Element xsd based messages use function BOLMODUX.BOLTextTagX to print a single line Text Bolero Element