Email Integration

If characters appear in any dispatch details (e.g. tdmail) that could actually lead to dispatch problems, these have to be included in quotation marks.

For example, the number sign “#” in tdmail is read as a comment character and the commandline following this character is clipped. By setting the dispatch parameter in quotation marks the commandline can be read correctly.

Other recipients can be selected by clicking [CC:] on the Message Details panel. The “DOCET.GetAllKey” rule can be used to determine how defaulted recipients are selected and formatted, and how, under certain circumstances, recipients can be entered manually.

If an additional printout is to be generated for incoming or outgoing emails, the row
“CacheWrite( “CUSEML_CUS”, “DOCIMMViewer”, ”<“, “EML”, “EML” )“
in the init of MGRTSK for outgoing emails, or for SWITSK for incoming emails, must first be activated. In rule EMLMODP.AddOutput can then be adjusted, which parts of the message are to be reproduced in RFC822 format and which parts are to be suppressed.