Control and Release

All installation specific modifications for control and release are to be done in module TRNSIG.

Rule “TRNSIG.SigUsrRelFlg” is used to determine, what signature the user could apply to this transaction. For this purpose the relevant amount is converted into the currency (“USR\RELCUR”) in which the release threshold for this user is defined (“USR\RELAMT”). Depending on the comparison of these amounts and the release group (“USR\RELGRP”) SigUsrRelFlg returns the maximum signature value this user could apply to this transaction.

Rule TRNSIG.SigGetUseIdx determines from requested signatures “(TRN\RELREQ)” and the release result reached so far “(TRN\RELRES”) which position in the signature result “(TRN\RELRES)” the signature of the quality determined with “SigUsrRelFlg” could take. If the user already attached any signature to this transaction or created the transaction himself, this function will return zero (i.e. no signature applicable)

Rule “TRNSIG.SigCheckUseIdx” checks whether a specified signature can be applied in a specified position. This rule is only used to check manual entry of the signature position in Control & Release.

Rule “TRNISM.SetWorkFlow” creates the actual workflow entries. If a signature for the user who creates the transaction should be applied this should be coded here following the call of “wfm.create”, which creates the workflow entries.

The Control & Release management of transactions is defined via the application transaction profile (the transactions DBxATP).
Details about the Control & Release management of transactions can be found in 'Control & Release Logic' under 'Release of a Transaction'.