Table of Contents

Transaction Status

There are two flags which control the status of a transaction. One flag describes the release status of a transaction and the other flag describes whether the transaction might be rolled back or not.

COMFLG - Committed Status

Code Text Following Status Description
Uncommitted C, D The transaction is not yet final and might be rolled back in case of errors or in case of the decision to correct or reject this transaction.
C Committed The transaction is final and might no longer be rolled back. If the transaction needs to be rejected later, this has to be handled via a separate transaction inverting all relevant changes.
D Deleted The transaction has been rejected or been sent to correction and will never be committed.

If COMFLG is 'C', the transaction will have a permanent effect on the relevant contract. Otherwise, the transaction was either be rolled back (COMFLG='D') or the final status has not yet be determined (COMFLG=' ').

Only if this flag is set to 'C', the service SRVPDP will be processed successfully by other transactions, which are dependent from this current transaction.

If COMFLG is not 'space', the transaction cannot be rolled back any more.

If COMFLG is set to 'C', RELFLG will be set to 'F' (final) at the same time.

Important Note: If the WFE status for SRVCOM will, for example, be set to 'D' via transaction DBWTRN without really being processed by SRVCOM, the status management will become inconsistent (COMFLG will not be set; dependent transactions would still be waiting in SRVPDP and RELFLG would not be set).

COMFLG is set to 'D' in SRVPDS or SRVPDP, if the transaction was rejected or sent for correction in order to visualize, that this transaction will never be 'committed'.

RELFLG - Release Status

Code Text Following Status Description
E Entered W The transaction is technically stored, but not yet passed to the workflow and other processing tasks. As this is an transient status it should never become visible. If this status persists, it might indicate a corrupt transaction, where the storing process has been interrupted and the database rollback has not been successful (RELSTA will only remain in status 'E', if the storing of a transaction fails due to technical reasons in phase 2 or 3, for example, when storing TRNDATA or a DSP file) .
W Waiting X, R, C, N, M The release of this transaction is pending, i.e. not all required signatures (RELREQ) have been added so far (RELRES).
X External R, C, N, M The internal release of this transaction has taken place and the transaction is waiting for an external release. This status is obsolete and was formerly used to wait for an external confirmation (e.g.a special signature).
R Released This transaction has been finally released. All required signatures are applied, i.e. the required signatures (RELREQ) and applied signatures (RELRES) are identical. This status is set by the business transaction (in case of 'autosigned' or if there is no signatures required) or by TRNREL (when the last missing signature has been applied).
C Correct P This transaction has been sent to correction in TRNREL and was thus not released. It is waiting to be picked up. Having been picked up the status changes to 'Picked up'.
P Picked up This transaction was sent for correction or rejected and has meanwhile been taken up for another transaction ('Picked up'). This status is set, when the SPT has been taken up and the new transaction has been saved or if the transaction is interrupted via 'Break'.
N Rejected This transaction has been rejected and was thus not released. The transaction was deleted in TRNREL.
M Closed When reaching SRVCLN, the release status was either 'W'aiting or E'X'ternal. In these cases that can only occur, if the workflow was changed manually (e.g. via DBWTRN), SRVCLN sets the status to 'M' in order to remove the transaction from the 'to be released' queue in TRNREL.
F Final The transaction was released and passed the service SRVCOM. At this point in time the transaction cannot be rolled back any more.

Note: The statuses 'R','C', or 'N' are set immediately when the signatures are applied (i.e. in business transactions or in TRNREL). The service SRVPDS checks the value of RELSTA and the value 'D'one will be the result, if and only if RELSTA='R' or RELSTA='X'.

Important: Different flag values are used for TRS\FLG. The mapping of the flags takes place in “DoRexxInternal”.

CPLDAT - Date of Completion

When CPLDAT is set (i.e. is not empty), it means that the transaction workflow for this transaction has been completed. COMFLG additionally defines, whether a 'COMMIT' has taken place for this transaction or not.

Content Meaning
Nulldate SRVCLN has not been executed for this transaction.
The workflow is not yet completed and WFE records still exist.
Valid Date Date when SRVCLN has been completed.
The workflow has been completed.
Information from WFE (workflow) and TRS (signatures) have been copied to TRN\EVTTXT

WFE and TRS rows have been deleted from the table.