Event Forwarding Manager

Transaction EVTTSK

This transaction enables events to be reported to an external reporting or monitoring system.

To this end, the following must be implemented in DoHandleEvt:

The following values are provided in the product for the status EXTSTA - Status for external transmission -

' ' not handled
'I' Ignore for external report
'A' Audit
'W' Warning
'E' Error

No external output is carried out in the product.

Transaction Panels

Task Manager
Forwarding Configuration

Task Manager


Datafield Description
Start Time of Job Date This field displays the date and time the Task Manager was started.
Automatic Termination Flag This field defines the reason for terminating the Task Manager
- at a predefined time. In this case enter the time in the field on the right
- if list empty. The Task Manager will then stop when the list of open
transactions is empty.
- manually only. In this case the Task Manager will stop in case the
“stop” button is pressed.
Redotime This field contains the restart time of the Task Manager in seconds. If processing
is set to 'automatic', the Task Manager will restart after this time selected.
If 'manual' any time period entered is irrelevant.
Application Trace Flag This option sets the trace level of the transaction. Higher values mean more details.

Forwarding Configuration