Table of Contents

CBS - Usage

Defined Terms

Instance Name: In the following, the instance name is the name of the CBB instance, which is entered in the module “xxACBS” of each sector.

Ext ID: In the following, the Ext ID is the external ID used in the CBS. Therewith, different entries can be distinguished within one CBS column or booking type.

Requesting the Balances within the Software

Within a contract, the base application imports the regularly used balances of a contract when loading the contract. The date is imported into a default substructure of the contract group of the structure “xxACBS”. The instance name of this structure is always consistently CBS. This structure contains an instance of CBB for each balance. These instances are named after the assigned columns out of which the instances are filled.










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For example, if the balance of the column 'Max. Amount' is to be used on a panel, the currency and balance of the column 'Max. Amount' can be imported via accessing LEDGRP\CBS\MAX\CUR and LEDGRP\CBS\MAX\AMT.

Importing particular Balances into the Application

In order to import an arbitrary balance, the CBS provides the function 'CbsGetBalance'. The arguments of this routine are:

This function should only be used in evaluations, which do not use the RPTSUB module and for balances, that not have been provided elsewhere, yet.

All routines required for reading CBS are included in the module CBSGET.

Storing the Amounts within the Application

The storage of the amounts within the business transaction is done via a “CbsSav” rule, which calls the “CbsTrnStore” rule for every booking together with the data compiled for the booking. Subsequently, “CbsTrnStore” calls the CBSMOD routine “CbsStoreEntry”, in order to store this booking in the CBS so that the respective balances are carried forward.

All routines required for storing amounts in the CBS are included in the module CBSMOD. The CBSMOD module also contains the module CBSGET.


The configuration of the CBS is stored in the main INI file CBSCONF.INI. Via this file it will be controlled, which object, booking types and which columns are available. Furthermore it is controlled, which booking type of each object is assigned to which columns and how they are stored. For a better understanding of this configuration, there are several display and maintenance transactions to display the CBS configuration (DBICBO, DBICBT, DBICBC, DBICBA, DBICBF). There are also cross reference information available, so that it always visible, which columns and bookings are used by an object.


As the storage of the balances is defined via the configuration, the reorganization transaction 'Reorganization of Contract Balance System (CBS)' (REOCBS) can be used to determine again all balances based on the bookings automatically, after the CBS configuration has been changed. On the start, REOCBS automatically checks, whether the configuration stored in CBSCONF.INI is suitable for the currently used software. Possible discrepancies will be displayed to the user.

The counter values of the bookings are stored in system counter values. In this way it is possible to have the system counter values, evaluated via the exchanges rates at that time, available in later evaluations. For this purpose the conversion tool 'Reorganization of CBS Equivalents' (REOXRF) can be used. When the system currency is changed, all stored counter values are re-determined with this tool and can be inserted into the CBS bookings and balances.

Displaying the CBS Data

When displaying the header data of a contract, usually the maximum amount and the currently pending balance are displayed. These two amounts are balances out of the “xxACBS” structure.

Normally, in the contract info transaction two types of CBS information can be called. On the one hand, the individual bookings belonging to a contract can be called (i.e. the CBEs of the contract). On the other hand, the development of the balances of the contract over a period of time can be displayed (i.e. the CBBs of a contract).

Evaluating the CBS Data

The report generators can also be used to display and evaluate CBS balances per contract.

Standard Routines in DOKA

Rule Content Storage Location
MTABUT\SAV order 500 Event that calls the transaction-specific process. In this rule, the storage of the CBS bookings (normally “CbsSav” or “CbsStore”). In respective transaction
CbsSav (or CbsStore) Description of the bookings of a transaction. For each booking is usually “CbsTrnStore” is called once together with the relevant data. Additionally, a possibly necessary liability booking is booked via calling LIAALL.StoreAll. In respective transaction
CbsTrnStore Calling an individual booking usually out of “CbsSav”. TRNMOD
GetXxdCbs Importing all “xxACBS” balances of a contract. xxDLOD
GetXxdCbsPerDate Importing all “xxACBS” balances of a contract for a specific date. xxDLOD
GetxxdUsedLiaCbtPfx Determining the type of liability (LIATYP) for the liability of a (PTE) in the business sector xxDLOD
GetRelevantDateForBalances Calling the date that is usually used for the balances (normally the farthest date in the future, that is allowed in the CBS). CBSGET
CbsSetConfig Machine-readable configuration of the CBS for one sector. Based on the configuration read out of these rules, REOCBS determines the required configuration and creates therewith the reference version of CBSCONF.INI. xxDLOD
StoreAll Storing the required liability bookings of a transaction. LIAALL

Booking the CBS in Transactions

At first it must be defined, which new columns or EXT IDs are to be booked in which transactions. It has also to be defined, which columns are to be stored in which way. In doing so, the complete cycle from the booking-in until the complete booking-out has to be defined.

The following steps are required for the implementation:

Relationship of Naming Instances and Ext ID

The Ext IDs to be used are to be derived from the instance names. The rules for making up the Ext IDs have to be as follows:

If the instance name has 3 digits (e.g. OPN), the Ext ID is 'AMT1'.

If the instance name has 4 digits (e.g. MAX1), the Ext ID 'AMT' is followed by the fourth digit of the instance name.

If the instance name has 5 digits or more, the Ext ID is the part of the instance name beginning at the fourth digit.

No instances are defined in the liability system (CBS bookings of PTE records), as the booking types are used automatically and as there may be an unequal amount of entries per contract. These bookings are solely handled by the liability system (LIAALL etc.).

Details about the concept can be found under the preceding link.

Introducing a new CBS column

The following steps are necessary to implement a new CBS column:

Think up a triple-digit prefix.
In the example <New> EXTID AMT1 is to be used for posting. The division is abbreviated as xx.

Start REOCBS and then

If the <New>SUM column is to be used for posting the <New>AMT entry, the following lines must be added (in suitable places):

In the transactions to be posted to the new colum, encode the booking entries in CbsStore or Cbssav, as appropriate.