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CBS - Functions

Module CBSMOD CBS - Functions



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Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
NEWTYP New Transaction Typ Text 6 1 Edit Yes Private
NEWINR INR of new Transaction Text 8 1 Edit Yes Private
LCKFLG Locking active Text 1 1 Edit Yes Private

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield NEWTYP New Transaction Typ


Local storage to store the transaction type (normally TRN or RIM)of the new transaction. The fields might not be accessed by the application. Use CbsTrnSetNew to set the value.

Datafield NEWINR INR of new Transaction


Local storage to store the transaction INR of the new transaction. The fields might not be accessed by the application. Use CbsTrnSetNew to set the value.

Datafield LCKFLG Locking active


Internal flag set to 'L' if locking is available in the current environment. This is to check that all processed contracts are really locked when processing CBS-entries for them. Field only for local use. Check for IsEmpty / Not Isempty.


Rule Name Additional
sub CbsDeleteContract global
sub CbsDeleteTrn global
sub CbsReleaseTrn global
sub CbsReorgCBB global
sub CbsSelectValidInRangeForObject global
sub CbsStoreEntry static
sub CbsTrnCommit global
sub CbsTrnReset global
sub CbsTrnSetNew global
sub CommitCbbEntries
sub CreateCbbEntries
sub DeleteCbbEntries
sub GetObjAndInr
sub StoreEntry
sub UpdateCbbAmounts

Rules Description and Comments

sub CbsDeleteContract( inout Obj module ) global

All CBS-Entries (CBE and CBB) of the Contract will be deleted
this includes preliminary and real entries

Obj identifies the object. The ObjTyp and ObjInr are extracted from Obj.

sub CbsDeleteTrn( in TrnTyp text, in TrnInr text ) global

All CBS-Entries (CBE and CBB) of TRN will be deleted
this includes preliminary and real entries

sub CbsReleaseTrn( in TrnTyp text, in TrnInr text ) global

All CBS-Entries in Status Entered of a specified Transaction
are marked as released.
Preliminary Entries are left as they are.

sub CbsReorgCBB( inout Obj module ) global

Reorganization of CBB for a contract
Based on the passed module, all balances are recalculated
Thus all CBB`s are deleted and recreated by processing all
CBE`s of the object ordered by date.

sub CbsSelectValidInRangeForObject( inout CbbArg CBB, in ObjTyp text, in ObjInr text, in CbcArg text, in ExtId text, in BegDat datetype, in EndDat datetype ) global

A global procedure to create a cursor for all CBB entries valid within the specified date range
CbbArg is the CBB-Instance the cursor is associated to.
ObjTyp and ObjInr are used to identify the object
CbcArg specifies the column the balances are to be retrieved from
BegDat and EndDat specify the date range
Use CbsSelectValidInRange if the object is available as a module instance

sub CbsStoreEntry( inout ArgRec CBE, in ArgObj module ) static

Store the passed CBE-entry as normal entry
ArgRec holds the CBE entry to be written
ArgObj holds the Contractgroup of the owning contract (xxDGRP or PTEGRP)

sub CbsTrnCommit global

Makes all CBS-Updates permanent
Delete CBS-entries attached to the old transaction

sub CbsTrnReset global

Initializes CBS local memory

sub CbsTrnSetNew( in TypArg text, in InrArg text ) global

Global procedure to register the new transaction.

TypArg is the type of transaction. (Usually TRN or RIM)
InrArg holds the INR of the transaction

sub CommitCbbEntries( inout CbeArg CBE )

within the CBB-Entries of the passed CBE the committed balance is maintained.

sub CreateCbbEntries( inout Rec CBE )

Routine to create all CBB-entries for a given CBE entry
Rec holds the new CBE-entry

sub DeleteCbbEntries( inout CbeArg CBE )

the CBB-Entries of the passed CBE are deleted.

sub StoreEntry( inout Rec CBE, in Obj module )

Internal CBS-function used as subfunction in CbsStorePreliminaryEntry, CbsStoreEntry
Rec holds the CBE entry to be written
Obj holds the Contractgroup of the owning contract (xxDGRP or PTEGRP)

sub UpdateCbbAmounts( in ArgCbe CBE, inout ArgCbb CBB, in ArgOpr text, in ArgComFlg text )

ArgCbe Holds the issuing CBE
ArgCbb Holds the CBB to maintained
ArgOpr holds the sign of the requested operation followed by an optional `I` to mark Inversions
ArgComFlg holds a boolean value which values shall be updated, (`A`mount, `C`ommited, `B`oth)


Module class Instance Comment