Fee Overview

To understand how DOKA handles fee’s the following different aspects need to be taken into consideration.

  1. Fee definition (codes, account, long text)

    The fee definition primarily defines the available fee codes. A fee code is the basis for any fee calculation and settlement.
    The different fee codes are setup as master file data which typically is maintained by the bank. The transaction to do so is DBIFEE. Depending on the security requirements a bank might decide to use 4-eyes control to maintain the fee definitions.
    The initial demo bank provides sample to handle most typical cases.

  2. Fee calculation with the logic how to calculate a specific type of fee.

    This is reflected in coded logic using perhaps additional data provided in additional table (e.g. IRT, IRS). All up to now setup calculation logic which was not requested as private is provided as part of the provided demo bank setup. This typically eliminates the need for setting up private calculation logic.
    In the rare case of need additional or changed calculation rules might be implemented as customization.

  3. Fee condition with the definition of the settings to be used for a given contract / transaction context

    Fee conditions can be setup on different level linked to different objects like parties, country, region.
    The definition can be setup within defined date ranges and for different amount thresholds.
    As part of customization the required object types might be adjusted as part of the customizing the application. Same for the sequence of searching through the different level, in case additional level are requested or in case the existing level shall be searched in a different sequence.

  4. Definition when to propose or enforce the use of a fee on the lifecycle of a contract.

    The logic which fee shall be handled in which form in which transaction is setup as coded logic as part of the demo bank solution.
    Any necessary adjustments to that can be implemented as part of the customization or can be handled via the fee condition definition as setup in the application transaction configuration.

  5. Concept of fee pool, which allows to calculate a fee in one transaction and charge the fee later in a different transaction.

    The content of the fee pool consists of the transactional data resulting in handling business transactions.
    The application side defaulting how fee’s shall be handled by the different transactions is handled by the same logic as the topic above.