How to solve inconsistent settlement

Plaese check first, if it is the standard situation of inconsistent settlements (see trouble shooting section).

If not usually a default and the procedural logic in settlement does not fit in certain circumstances causing one or more MACs in settlement not reach a final value.

In that case try to repoduce the error in an TRADE2-environment.

If possible set a breakpoint at the beginning of “AddToPostQueue” and restart the defaulting by using the Check-button. When execution stops at the breakpoint step out (F4) to find the MAC-default causing the difference and copy the stream used for MACGEN to a file. Set a breakpoint to the “AddToPostQueue” to find the next call with a non matching MAC. If the MACs are different store the second stream to a second file.

If it is not possible to reproduce it with TRADE2, request a trace with 'Application' flag set. In the trace you will find entries like 'SETxxx MACxxx' together with the streams used for MAC-generation. Please store matching entries in two files.

The next step is to compare the files created to find out which field /part is different. The fields in the MAC can be found in the relevant default. The next step is (either by debugging or source read) to find out, why the fields are changed.

At the moment there are no examples and most of the solutions are different. If you know examples useful to share, feel free to add ( perfect would be examples together with solution)