4 Eye Control - Implementation

Software Implementation

To activate this function, the following rule has to be defined in xxxP module of the static data system (DByxxx) for the relevant table:

“sub GetSprRelLev( in ArgMod module, out ArgRelLev text ) method”

“#! Rule to activate and control the behavior of the control and release of the 4-eye principle for the masterfile maintenance.
#! Argmod holds the Recgroup (or Rec) of the masterfile to be able to handle the 4-eye principle depending on data of the entry.
#! ArgRelLev returns the release level to determine whether 4-eye principle is activated. Any non-space value activates the 4-eye principle for the passed entry in this table.
#! This release level is stored in the SPR entry and might be used in customized logic in SPTREL to determine release requirements.
#! To activate it without any condition and without any special customization just return a hard coded value like ArgRelLev = “X”.”

“ArgRelLev = “X””

Application Implementation

Besides the technical implementation, the users who may modify static data must have access to the release transaction (SPTREL). Usually the transaction is implemented in one or more menu(s), which can be accessed by the releasing users.

Further information about the technical aspects of the 4 eye control can be found under '4-Eye Control - Technical Aspects' and general information in 'MDxBUT - Static Data System'.