
Concerning the Watchdog (SYSWDR) the following issues have to be considered:

An automatic notification of the administration supervisor only takes place, if the periodic check is executed automatically and if the Errorlevel is exceeded in one of the checks.

1. If the sub “SYSWDGNotifyError” is globally defined in SYSWDG, this function is used for notification, otherwise (if the post of this function returns Errorcode 130) the information of the entered administrators is sent via Notify (“NTFMOD.NtfSendToUsr”).

At the moment of calling “SYSWDGNotifyError” the stream ERRSTM contains one row per check with error. The fields are delimited with tabs:

Topic / Value / Threshold / Name

2. “NTFMOD.NtfSendToUsr” tries to call “NtfSendToUsrCust” via Post with the same arguments (i.e. it can be implemented on Level 6).

If the Post with the function “NtfSendToUsrCust” is returned with Errorcode 130 (e.g. because the function is not implemented or the notification is not handled), the normal NTF record will be written.

If the Errorcode is 0 after the Post, “NtfSendToUsr” considers the Notification as done, otherwise a 'reraise' takes place.

3. For calculating time periods (last x hours or older than y days) usually the working days of the Default calendar are defined via CALENDAR = GetIniStr( “tdpara.ini”, “system”, “calendar” ).

In SYSWDG “order 1200” , CALENDAR can be set to another value or to SPACE. Thus, calendar days are used.