Remote Client Printing


  1. An additional pseudo printer is to be set up that uses the new TMF printing procedure. This pseudo printer does not need any details relating to printer type, location, etc (for this, run DBIPRC and set up the appropriate printer with TMF as print procedure).
  2. In the normal printer configuration, this new printer is set up everywhere it is needed in the relevant configuration. If everything is to be printed out using Remote Client Printing, the complete configuration can be set up directly in MGRTSK to use this new printer, and any other printer mapping at user, group and entity level is omitted. (Thus, in DBxUSR, DBxETY and DBxUSG as well as in MGRTSK SRVPRT configuration panel)
  3. Printouts intended for this pseudo printer are generated and stored as a print file. A new database table, SPQ (System Printer Queue), is used for administration purposes, listing an entry for each print file. The primary mapping element in this table in the ID of the user generating the printout.
  4. For printouts generated from the manager task, the User ID is that of the user generating this transaction. For printouts generated from the job task, the User ID is the ID of the user entered in the job (a new feature of the job system). For all other printouts generated interactively from the foreground, the User ID is that of the current user.
  5. A new switch activated in the User Profile determines whether a user is permitted to use Remote Client Printing actively himself, i.e. whether he can printout from the SPQ printer queue. Currently, the switch has three options: remote printing not available (this is the default value); remote printing for user's own printouts; remote printing for users/user groups, definable using the USF filter (Using DBxUSR - profile maintenance for users who really should make the printouts)
  6. Printer mapping is configured in another new database table (SPC, System Printer Configuration) and refers to the relevant user who is doing the printing (i.e. not the user generating the SPQ entry). This means that a printer and paper tray has to be defined for each user and each technical form used. As a result, this also allows for the use of the logo Entity (if various logo papers are used).
  7. DBMUSF, which currently allows users to set the default filter themselves, contains additional options that allow the filter used for printing to be configured, too.
  8. The end-user configuration tool DBMSPQ allows users to set their own printer configuration and also shows the print queue entries (status levels include All (default), entries containing an Error, Waiting and Printed For entries containing an error there is also a reprint option.
  9. SPQTSK can be used to be able to print continuously in a session. As with other Managers, this runs permanently (however, in the foreground) and works through the entries in the SPQ printer queue.

N.B. SPQTSK and the optional integrated print service available in OFFICE use the current user's profile settings to determine which entries a user may/can print out.

In the two central menu management transactions OFFICE, it is still possible for regular checks to be made on the presence of special printing requests. These are run in the background even for users who are permitted to print and for whom a printer configuration has already been defined.

Remote Client Printing is technically not possible with HTML5 Client, because the HTML5 client has no connection to the local infrastructure.

Sample to set up Remote Client Printing