RPTGEN - Report Generator Module

The purpose of this module is to enable the simple definition of a report generator for a specific structure of business sectors or tables.

To implement a report generator the following steps should be taken:

  1. Creating a new transaction using at least the following modules:
    • RPTGEN
    • PTSMOD
    • LIAGET
    • CBSGET
    • XRTMOD
    • RNGMOD
    • SYSMOD
  2. If business sectors are part of the data structure, the following two modules have to be included for each business sector:
    • xxDGRP
    • xxDLOD
  3. Additionally, all modules describing additionally accessed tables need to be accessible somewhere. Normally, the following modules are required:
    • SMH
    • TRN
    • DIA
    • FEP
    • FEC
  4. Adding an INIT rule to define the logical structure of the tables which the report generator needs to access:
  # Initialize the Reportwriter


  # Add the initial Contractgroup

  RPTGEN.AddGrp( "GID", 0, GIDGRP, 'Guarantee', "" )

  # Add additional nodes

  RPTGEN.AddMod( "DIA", 0, "\\DIA", 'Diary Entries', "OBJTYP='GID', OBJINR=GID.INR" )

  RPTGEN.AddMod( "TRN", 0, "\\TRN", 'Transactions', "OBJTYP='GID', OBJINR=GID.INR" )

  RPTGEN.AddMod( "TRNSMH", 1, "\\SMH", 'Messages of Transaction', "TRNTYP='TRN', TRNINR=TRN.INR" )

  RPTGEN.AddMod( "SMH", 0, "\\SMH", 'Messages', "OBJTYP='GID', OBJINR=GID.INR" )

  RPTGEN.AddMod( "FEP", 0, "\\FEP", 'Feepool Entries', "OBJTYP='GID', OBJINR=GID.INR" )

  # Subcontract

  RPTGEN.AddMod( "", 0, "", 'Claim under a Guarantee', "" )


  RPTGEN.RptGenSetSelFld( "GID" )

  RPTGEN.RptGenAddFld( "GID", "OWNREF", "" )