Table of Contents

Installing the DOKA 5 /DOKA-NG User Documentation

From Release DOKA 5.06.SP2

The DOKA5 and DOKA-NG documentation is available as Dokuwiki using the customer login on our homepage.

Up to Release DOKA 5.06.Sp1

The complete documentation is created in HTML and and can be viewed with any browser. Restrictions concerning specific browser types are not known.

The DOKA 5 documentation is provided either as a packed ZIP file (file extension 'zip') or as a self-extracting ZIP file (file extension 'exe').

Installation in a Fat Client Environment

Installing with packed Zip File (Extension 'zip')

When installing the documentation, you need a program which is able to unpack ZIP archives (i.e. the tool WinZip). Please use the extracting function and make sure, that the option for stored folder names in the ZIP file is to be used (i.e. 'use folder names' if you are using WinZip). The documentation will be extracted and stored in the selected folder.Alternatively, the transaction SYSPIP can also be used for the installation. However, this requires an already installed and working DOKA 5/DOKA-NG installation.

Installing with self-extracting Zip File (Extension 'exe')

Please execute the file. The documentation will be extracted and stored in the selected folder.

Starting the Documentation

In case you installed the documentation in the partition 'Help' of the DOKA 5 installation, users can directly use the DOKA 5 documentation via the context menu, without further customization.If the documentation is to be accessed outside of DOKA 5, double-click the file 'index.htm' in the directory 'c:\dok5\dokuhtm\de\app' (if DOKA 5 was installed at c:\dok5). If the documentation is to be started directly via the browser, the URL 'c:\dok5\dokuhtm\de\app\index.htm' has to be entered in the address field of the browser.

Installation in a Thin Client Environment

Installing with packed Zip File (Extension 'zip')

Basically, there are two ways to install the documentation in a Thin Client environment.

Complete Installation via the Transaction SYSPIP

This type of installation should be preferred, as all required steps controlled and logged by DOKA 5.The transaction SYSPIP automatically transfers the ZIP file (patch) and installs the documentation after selecting the ZIP file like any other patch.

Manual Transfer of the ZIP File to the Server and Installation with SYSPIP

This type of installation should only be used, if, for whatever reasons, it is not possible to transfer the ZIP file via SYSPIP to the server automatically.The ZIP file has to be transferred via an FTP program to the server into the directory 'patch' of the DOKA 5 installation. Subsequently, the transaction SYSPIP has to be started and the installation of the documentation can be done after selecting the ZIP file like any other patch installation. Note: Unfortunately the ZIP files sent by Surecomp DOS do not all adhere to the mandatory rule for directory names to be in lower case only, or rather, the unzip routine used for unpacking the archives fails to ensure that all file names and directory names are created in lower case. As a consequence, it can happen that parts of the documentation cannot be found, depending on the web server/browser used. To ensure that all file names and directory names are created in lower case, the “unzip” command in TradeDesign can be used with the switch “-LL”, for example.

Starting the Documentation

In order that DOKA 5 /DOKA-NG Clients can access the documentation on a Unix server via the context menu, the INI file “dokuhtm.ini” in the 'ini' partition of the DOKA 5/DOKA-NG installation has to be customized. In the section [Documentation] the root directory has to specified after the key 'DocBaseURL', in which the documentation was installed. This key is activated by removing the semicolon at the beginning of the line.