If an unexpected error occurs (i.e., an errorcode that cannot be handled by the application, or if the application explicitly calls for it, processing is terminated, and the system automatically generates a SYSDUMP which helps describe the problem and facilitates further analysis.

A SYSDUMP consists of three files that are generated in the 'dump' partition within the file system (i.e., usually in the directory <Installation_location>/dump). The filenames of a dump consist of the word 'dump', plus the date and time at which it occurred. The contents of the files are as follows:


Information about the process status and environment, the current call stack, … An example is provided at the bottom of this page.

dump.<yyyymmtt>.<hhmmss>.<pid>.<counter>.dsp The display file for the current transaction, documenting the status of the user interface. This can be displayed in a formatted view, e.g., using the transaction SYSIXF.

dump.<yyyymmtt>.<hhmmss>.<pid>.<counter>.dmp The contents of all the (filled-in) data fields in the current transaction. For a description of the format, see the TradeDesign documentation for 'SaveData'.

In order to be able to analyze the content of the different fields stored in a dump there is a possibility to load the content of a dump into the memory of a designmode TradeDesign session.

Shown below is an example of a dump.lst file on a Windows system:

Application dump executed

*** Not handled application error 235 occurred in/after <SYSTEM>:DBExecuteSQLVar.
loadODBC(Unable to connect to Datasource LCLDOK5ORA[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver Manager] Die Verbindung ist nicht geöffnet Native ErrorCode = 0 )
*** WARNING: Rollback was not successful. ***

Dump File:        L:\DOK5\DUMP\dump.20120426.113111.27542.001.dmp
Screen Image:     L:\DOK5\DUMP\dump.20120426.113111.27542.001.dsp
Date / Time:      2012-04-26 12:31:10 MESZ (2012-04-26 11:31:10 MEZ)
User ID:          KS
Session-Init:     2012-04-26 12:31:10 MESZ (2012-04-26 11:31:10 MEZ) (SSN\INR=NO)
Start of Trn.:    2012-04-26 12:31:10 MESZ (2012-04-26 11:31:10 MEZ)
Fore-/Background: F
Command Line:     "L:\dok5\bin\trade2.exe" -v L:\DOK5\TDVCS\OHDOK5.INI
Runtime System:   TRADE2
GetFrameName:     OFFICE.TRN -  

Last SQL Statement:

Locked Records:

[internal] SUB        GetContext                               0001 \SYSMOD
SYSMOD     SUB        SysDump                                  0015 \SYSMOD
SYSMOD     SUB        ErrorExit                                0035 \
SYSMOD     SUB        EnterTransaction (550)                   0002 \
Post queue:

** SYSINF - System Information **

ClientServer:   FALSE                                                                           
CommandLine:    "L:\dok5\bin\trade2.exe" -v L:\DOK5\TDVCS\OHDOK5.INI                            
DBCounter:      SEQUENCE                                                                        
DBType:         ODBC                                                                            
DefaultPrinterName: Lexmark C540                                                                
DefaultTransaction: OFFICE                                                                      
DistributionFile: L:\dok5\                                                                      
EXEName:        L:\dok5\bin\trade2.exe                                                          
Language:       EN                                                                              
PrinterName:    Lexmark C540                                                                    
SelModuleInst:  \                                                                               
ServerID:       PCKS                                                                            
ServerPID:      3512                                                                            
ServerProgVer:  TRADE2                                                               
ServerType:     WIN32 WinXP 5.1.2600                                                            
SQLCursor:      <err=249. context not accessable>                                               
StartTransaction: OFFICE                                                                        
TDVCSFile:      L:\DOK5\TDVCS\OHDOK5.INI                                                        
UICharSet:      iso-8859-1                                                                      
XMLCharSet:     cp1252                                                                          
ServerEncoding: < empty >                                                                       
DocpanelFormat: 1                                                                               
TRNName:        OFFICE.TRN                                                                      
CreationDate:   <no versioninfo found in OFFICE.TRN>                                            
Environment:    <no versioninfo found in OFFICE.TRN>                                            
TZSystem:       MEZ                                                                             
TZUser:         MEZ                                                                             

LD_LIBRARY_PATH: < empty >                                                                      
LIBPATH:        < empty >                                                                       
PATH:           s:\TCO46\BIN;C:\Programme\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib;c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\cli
                amme\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin;C:\Programme\IBM\WebSphere MQ\tools\c\samples\bin     
TD2COMMITMODE:  < empty >                                                                       
TD2CONNECTSTRING: < empty >                                                                     
TD2COUNTERMODE: < empty >                                                                       
TD2HOME:        < empty >                                                                       

Data:           L:\DOK5\DATA\                                                                   
Debug:          L:\DOK5\DEBUG\                                                                  
DokuDisp:       L:\DOK5\DISPLAY\                                                                
Dump:           L:\DOK5\DUMP\                                                                   
Exe:            L:\DOK5\BIN\                                                                    
Frame:          L:\DOK5\FRAME\                                                                  
Help:           L:\DOK5\DOKUHTM\                                                                
Ini:            L:\DOK5\INI\                                                                    
Log:            L:\DOK5\LOG\                                                                    
RLib:           L:\DOK5\RLIB\                                                                   
Template:       L:\DOK5\TEMPLATE\                                                               
Tmp:            L:\OHDOK5\TMP\                                                                  
User:           L:\OHDOK5\INI\                                                                  
XLate:          L:\DOK5\XLATE\                                                                  

Name:           Surecomp DOS GmbH, Hamburg                                                      
SerialNo:       003103                                                                          
ApplFlags:      7                                                                               
UserCount:      <err=110. context not accessable>                                                 
MaxUserCount:   99                                                                              
ApplCount:      <err=110. context not accessable>                                               
MaxApplCount:   99                                                                              
ApplicationStatus: <err=110. context not accessable>                                            
BegDate:        20111201                                                                        
EndDate:        20121231                                                                        

Datasource:     LCLDOK5ORA                                                                      
CONNECTSTRINGS: DSN=LCLDOK5ORA;UID=lcldok5;XPWD=59080300030859;DBQ=ORCL                         
COMMITMODE:     2                                                                               
COUNTERMODE:    1                                                                               
:               <err=Tag DBS.DBDRIVERNAME not found>                                            
TABLESPACE:     < empty >                                                                       
SESSIONINIT:    < empty >                                                                       
OLDCOUNTER:     0                                                                               
DELIMIDENT:     < empty >                                                                       
LOCKING:        1                                                                               
USELOCKSERVER:  < empty >