Table of Contents

System Functions for File and Directory Names (SYSPTH)

The module SYSPTH contains functions and procedures for use within the following areas:

Functions for File and Directory Names

These functions and routines provide methods for handling file and directory names.

Procedure / Function Argument(s) Description
AddDateStampToFilename ArgFil, ArgDat, ArgTim Creates a file name extended by date and time.
AddExtensionToName ArgNam, ArgExt Adds the extension to the directory path or file name.
AddNodeToPath ArgPth, ArgNode Adds a directory name or a file name to a directory name.
GetBaseNameWithoutTimeStamp ArgNam Returns a file name without the optional timestamp. (The inverse function of AddDateStampToFile).
GetDirDel Returns the directory delimiter.
GetFileExtension ArgFil Returns the extension of the passed file name.
GetFilePrefix ArgNam Returns the preceding 'server:', 'client:' and 'db' of a file name.
GetFileWithoutPrefix ArgNam Returns the file name without preceding 'server:', 'client:' and 'db:'.
GetFullName ArgPart, ArgNam Returns the absolute file name for a specified partition.
GetLastNode ArgFil Returns the last node of a specified file name. A node is a name used as a directory entry.
GetNormalizedNodename ArgFil Translates the transferred text into a usable node name. Nodes cannot contain directory separators or any other special characters, for example.
GetOSAccessableName ArgFilename Generates filenames for direct access (depending on the operating system). For this purpose, quotes are put around the filename.
GetNulDev Returns the file name of the 'null device'
GetPathOfName ArgPth Provides the path part of a transferred filename, or for a path, the path without the last name in the directory.
IsAbsolutePath ArgNam This function checks, whether the passed file name is absolute.

Handling Tag Lists

The functions beginning with a prefix tag provide functions for maintaining a stream, that contains pairs of tags and content. These pairs are saved in a stream, that is provided by the calling transaction. Thus, also 'multiple streams' are maintained.

Due to performance reasons it is recommended to keep the stream arranged in proper order in order to accelerate the access to the individual tags. In this case it has to be considered, that the insertion of new tags can lead to a reorganization of the sequence and indices of particular tags.

The processing of all tags of a stream can be done by loop processing of all lines of a stream. The tags can be called via “TagGetTag” and the content can be called via “TagGetContents”.

The internal structure for storing tags is:
Tag - followed by a '=' character, trailed by the content
The content can be texts or text blocks with CR characters (carriage return). The only constraint is that the tags may not contain '=' characters.

Procedure / Function Argument(s) Description
TagGetContents Argstream, ArgTag Calling the content of a tag.
TagGetIdx Argstream, ArgTag Calling the line of the stream that contains the passed tag.
TagGetTag Argstream, ArgIdx Calling the tag of a passed line.
TagSetContents Argstream, ArgTag, ArgContents Storing and updating a tag with associated content in the passed stream.


Procedure / Function Argument(s) Description
ExecuteScript ArgCmd, ArgArgs, ArgLog Executes a script.
GetSwitchFromLine ArgSwt, ArgLin Searches for the passed switch in the command line.
IsUnix Checks, whether the current system is a Unix system.
LnkGetSwitch ArgSwt Searches for the passed switch in the command line.
MakeLocalCopy ArgPart, ArgFil, ArgLocalPath, ArgExt Copies a file server to client.
ShowLocalCopy ArgPart, ArgFil, ArgExt Displays a file of a server on the client.
ValBase36 ArgStr Converts a Base36 number into a decimal number.