Table of Contents

Errorcode Handling

Here, we need to describe typical checks on errorcodes. In special cases it might be necessary to run checks differently.

Errorcode - Check

The errorcode is always dealt with, if the success of the function depends on further logic. This is especially so, if a positive errorcode represents an OK for the transaction, or when an active response is necessary, such as the issuing of an error message, if an error should occur. Normally, the errorcode is checked for '<= 0'. In a situation, where errorcode > = 0 is not to be dealt with actively, then the errorcode has to be re-activated with 'Reraise'.

The errorcode is to be dealt with for all functions which

Errorcode - without Check

The errorcode is NOT to be dealt with, if the error only refers to programming errors, or a hard technical problem (e.g. database corrupt). Here, a dump is the expressed solution (if the errorcode was not handled).

Functions in which errorcodes are normally not dealt with are:

Special Errorcode Checks

Special checks have to be programmed, when errorcodes are set in special situations, where normally the response would be dump. Here, errorcodes have to be re-activated with 'Reraise' for all cases in which errorcodes are not responded to.

Typical functions for special responses include:

Function Errorcode TDBasic Constant (tdconst.ini)
CacheRead 166 tdCacheNotFound
DBFetch 228 tdOdbcNotFound
DBFetchFields 228 tdOdbcNotFound
DBRead* 228 tdOdbcNotFound
DBHold 227
DBLock 227
DBSelect -230

These queries should be analog for functions which are derived from them (SDBRead, CacheDBRead, …).