Table of Contents

OIT - Object Information Text

OIT is a system to maintain one or more infotexts for different entries within the database.



Module to handle a dedicated infotext per owning entry.


If multiple-use info texts are used (e.g., business sector-specific texts), they are displayed in a separate panel showing a selection grid with the existing info texts. This is also where new info texts for subkeys not yet assigned can be entered directly. The selection of the subkeys is controlled via the combobox. A check ensures that no doubling up of info texts for the same subkey can be defined.

OITED2 generates a panel displaying a grid in which all info texts for an object linked via OITEDT that do not yet exist in other OITEDT instances can be edited.

Info texts of type 'Business Sector' are handled. The INR field is used to define the object to which the info text is handled.

Load and store a handled like CODMOD automaticaly via the Codxxx-Rules in the MxxBUT modules.


Functions in SYSWRN

In business transactions the infotexts of all relevant objects are loaded and warnings issued will be shown on the common warning panel.

Important functions: OitSysWrnForObj and OitGetOitData.

Importing transactions (IMPxxx)

In case the infotext shall be imported the module OITEDT should be integrated into the IMPxxx transaction for every instance to be imported. The INR argument should be linked to the INR of the imported entry. The SUBTYP argument should be loaded with the intended typ, e.g. “INF”.

The infotext has to be kept in a work field to allow storage of the entry before storing the OIT, as the resulting INR is needed.

After the object is saved, the OITEDT.SetOitTxt function must be called in the SAVE rule. The parameters passed on are the mapped info text and the info level (e.g., OitShow).