Manually Created Hardcopies in the Documentation

When compiling documentation, screenshots of panels are automatically generated to contain empty fields. Any dynamically set field descriptions and contents are always empty, and no data is shown in any hardcopies. However, creating hardcopies manually allows the documentation to show the panels with content.

Creating Display Files

Select the option 'Save Image for Documentation' on the desired panel using the context menu (right mouse-click). This creates a 1:1 copy of the panel together with its contents and stores it in the directory “\DOK5\DISPLAY\<User Language>\mandsp” with the name of the transaction currently used and the file extension '.dsp'.

The 'Attach Current Panel for Documentation' option in the context menu enables a further panel to be appended to the display file created. As an example, this function permits the transfer of all pages in a selection menu for business sector selection transactions.

Implementing the Hardcopies

The transaction 'Generating Documentation' checks each display file to see whether a version of the file is available in “..DISPLAY/mandsp/<User Language>” in the work or system environment and uses it instead of using the file generated by Trade2.