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Rule Name Additional
sub AssertTDMSAccessToken method
sub TDCurlMSFetchMessageById method
sub TDCurlMSFetchNextMessageId method
sub TDCurlMSReceiveMail method
sub TDCurlMSSendMail method
sub TDCurlMSUpdateMessageAsRead method

Rules Description and Comments

sub AssertTDMSAccessToken( in ArgMSAContext text, out ArgAccessToken text, out ArgInfo stream ) method

get/assert access token for MS Azure Applications and APIs

ArgMSOContext MS Azure context used for inifile name and cache key, use “.” to specify separate instance configurations
ArgAccessToken MS Azure access token

ArgInfo Info Stream

sub TDCurlMSFetchMessageById( in ArgMSAContext text, in ArgVerbose text, in ArgMessageId text, out ArgContent stream, out ArgInfo stream ) method

MS Graphi API send MIME Mail Send via CURL-Library

ArgMSAContext MS Azure context used for inifile name and cache key
ArgVerbose Debug flag
ArgMessageId Message id to fetch
ArgContent Mail content, header (“From:”, “To:”, “Subject:”, … and body, header and body separated by empty line
ArgInfo Debug information

Corresponding functions: TDCurlMSReceiveMail

sub TDCurlMSFetchNextMessageId( in ArgMSAContext text, in ArgVerbose text, out ArgMessageId text, out ArgInfo stream ) method

MS Graphi API send MIME Mail Send via CURL-Library

ArgMSAContext MS Azure context used for inifile name and cache key
ArgVerbose Debug flag
ArgMessageId Next message id
ArgInfo Debug information

Note: It is NOT required to ensure the correct line ending CRLF for SMTP as this is handled by curl internally!

Corresponding functions: TDCurlMSReceiveMail

sub TDCurlMSReceiveMail( in ArgMSAContext text, in ArgVerbose text, out ArgContent stream, out ArgInfo stream ) method

MS Graphi API send MIME Mail Send via CURL-Library

ArgMSAContext MS Azure context used for inifile name and cache key
ArgVerbose Debug flag
ArgContent Mail content, header (“From:”, “To:”, “Subject:”, … and body, header and body separated by empty line
ArgInfo Debug information

Note: It is NOT required to ensure the correct line ending CRLF for SMTP as this is handled by curl internally!

Corresponding functions: TDCurlMSSendMail

sub TDCurlMSSendMail( in ArgMSAContext text, in ArgVerbose text, in ArgContent stream, out ArgInfo stream ) method

MS Graphi API send MIME Mail Send via CURL-Library

ArgMSAContext MS Azure context used for inifile name and cache key
ArgVerbose Debug flag
ArgContent Mail content, header (“From:”, “To:”, “Subject:”, … and body, header and body separated by empty line
ArgInfo Debug information

Note: It is NOT required to ensure the correct line ending CRLF for SMTP as this is handled by curl internally!

Corresponding functions: TDCurlMSReceiveMail

sub TDCurlMSUpdateMessageAsRead( in ArgMSAContext text, in ArgVerbose text, in ArgMessageId text, out ArgInfo stream ) method

MS Graphi API send MIME Mail Send via CURL-Library

ArgMSAContext MS Azure context used for inifile name and cache key
ArgVerbose Debug flag
ArgMessageId Next message id
ArgInfo Debug information

Note: It is NOT required to ensure the correct line ending CRLF for SMTP as this is handled by curl internally!

Corresponding functions: TDCurlMSReceiveMail


Module class Instance Comment