Table of Contents

Create new MyModelbank Contracts


Create a newer version of every old contract and every transaction.
Same contract details (amount, parties, specifications etc.) as before, but in a new range of time.
plus: if new fields have been introduced since last version, fill them with meaningful content now.

Look for the old range of time, transactions were entered (by using INFTRN) - around 9 month.
Choose a new range of time between perhaps “today” and “9 month in future”.
The time between old period and new period → thats the “nn” difference, all dates in the new contracts should be shifted forward.


Create a new environment with its own database.
Fill database with current version of the MyModelbank.

Sample: “newdemo”

Use a second environment with same version of the MyModelbank, where you can look up the old data and copy it from.
Don't change anything in this environment.

Sample: “olddemo”

Handling of old contracts

Depends on the decision, how to deal with.


If the old contracts should be deleted:

Clear all database tables with dynamic data.
Clear the respective folders in the data partition.


If new old contracts should be archived:

Start “newdemo”, login as DOS/DOKA

No need to use GENDAT.
Delete all waiting transactions from SPT and TRNREL.

Execute Transaction xxxCAN for each contract.
If release is needed, login with second user ID (DO2, Do7 or DO9, depending on Entity) and do release.
Start MGRTSK to proceed all Transactions until completed.

Please note: MyModelbank has 3 Entities with contracts .
so use CHGETY to change entity.
Structure shown in Entities and Groups

Use Transaction Archiving Contract Data to archive the closed contracts. Note: as there are contracts in more then one entity, CONCCA has to run in each entity.

Enter new data

Please note:
OLD means: to be done in the “olddemo” environment
NEW means: to be done in the “newdemo” environment

1) OLD: Start “olddemo” – login as DOS/DOKA – to see and copy old data

Open for example transaction INFBCD
click Search icon
sort result by reference (clicking on column header reference)
select first contract (⇒ ref BC16H00001)

2) OLD: Select panel “transactions”
select first entry by doubleklick (⇒ Trn BCTROG, shown in panel Transaction Header)
⇒ panel shows “entered by” userID ( ⇒ DO5)
and in grid “Signatures”, who has done the release. (⇒ DO7)

3) NEW: Start “newdemo” – for to enter new data
login with that userID, the first sample contract was entered by. (DO5)
Entity should the same as used for the old contract.

4) OLD: Click button [Details] ⇒ shows the panels and the data entered.

5) NEW: make decision, what date the Trn should be entered now (ca. old plus “nn” month, don’t select weekend)
use GENDAT to set this date as “today”.

Start same transaction as used in OLD
and enter same data in every panel. Except : select new dates (old plus ~ “nn” month)
Optics or panel layout might be different from before.
If there are (new) fields without content – fill them meaningful.
Or if you feel, that old content has to be adjusted, do so.

Save transaction.

6) NEW: start second session, login with the release userID (⇒ DO7)
Use GENDAT to set same date as for entering TRN .
Select Trn Control & Release and release TRN .
Select TRN MGRTSK Task Manager and do all workflow steps for this transaction.
⇒ first transaction complete.

7) see 2) – select next entry of first contract
repeat steps 3) to 6) for this transaction.

8) Continue with next contract, after all contracts with next business sector.

Saving of new data

After entering the first transaction(s), e.g. after finishing a business sector:

please save the data.
So that in case of making mistakes the database can be set back to a defined version and not all entered data is lost.

select table <all>,
click [Export table]
⇒ all tables are exported to folder data.tst\dbe

Create a zip-file from folder …\data.tst ,
rename it to data.tst.<date><sec>.zip with current date and finished sector.

Restoring Data

If something went wrong and you failed in entering your data, forgot GENDAT or sth. else like that:

you can restore the last saved version:
delete folder data.tst
unzip the last (correct) zip-file.

Start NEW env,
lauch Trn SYSDBA:
select table <all>,
click [delete table] (not drop!) - deletes all data from all tables
then click [import table] – imports the dbe-version you exported while saving

All flat files belonging to a transaction (documents, messages, display files etc)
are part of folder \data.tst
and so restored by unpacking the <ZIP>.

Check, if the counter for the reference numbers have to be reset.
Can be edited by SYSDBA [edit counters].

Update MyModelbank Documentation

MyModelbank documentation currently is available in languages English and German.
So all steps described below have to be done three times - for all officially supported user languages:


The MyModelbank documentation contains a list of business sectors, contracts are entered for.

Each sector holds an overview of the contracts, their specific description and the transactions processed.

Change these pages by entering the reference number and the dates of the respective new contract.

Don't change the names of the pages, the link refers to. \\
The name of the page is built of "<Business Sector> <11> <last 2 digits of reference number>"\\ for example 'BC1101'.


To be done for each contract, using the “newdemo” environment.

Sample: BC16H00001

Each contract (example: “BC16H00001”) has its own page (named e.g.'“bc1101”') with an overview of all data.

The first image shows the data as to be seen when selecting the contract. The name of this imagefile is built of “<c><Business sector>< last 2 digits of reference number><01>.png
For example “cbc0101.png”

The other images show the status as to be seen in the Info-transaction INFxxD of the business sector. The name of these imagefiles is built of ”<i><Business sector>< last 2 digits of reference number><nn>.png
with nn being the sequential number of the imagefile. For example “cbc0101.png”

To create these pictures, transaction Generating Documentation (Wiki format) (GENWIK) is able to create PNG files (pictures) from displayfiles.

Creating display files

Creating display file for 'Contract Overview xxTSEL'

A popup screen will show, that the file is stored in the “\display\mandsp\<uil>\” folder of the current environment “newdemo” (with “uil” being current user language). This file is named like the transaction with extension “.dsp” (example “BCTSEL.dsp”).

Creating display file for 'Info Panels of a Contract'

A popup screen will show, that the file is stored in the “…\display\mandsp\<uil>\” folder of the current environment “newdemo” (with “uil” being current user language) named like the transaction (example “INFBCD”) with extension “.dsp”.

From there GENWIK can load up the files.

Creating images

After all display files have been created, create a list of all file names without extension, e.g. by using the DIR-statement in the command window and subsequent editing.

Alternatively, this list can by typed manually.



Launch transaction GENWIK:

Click button [handle list], which opens a pop-up window.

Click [Generate] in the main window.

GENWIK now creates png files from every displayfile, using the 'filesnames' as being a 'transaction'.

The images are stored in the current “newdemo” environment in folder \dokuwiki\data\media\images\<uil>\app.

Update page in Dokuwiki

Check the number/name of images, linked in the page with number/name of files created for the respective contract.

As number or sequence of panels may be different from before, change the page accordingly.
For some panels, an additional text is given below the link of the panel image.
Make sure that the text is shown at the correct position (compare panel name).

Delete all 'old' images from the dokuwiki folder “s:\dng\dokuwiki\data\media\images\<uil>\dem”
and copy the new image files from the “newdemo” workenvironment to this folder.