Table of Contents

REST API client

Module RSTMOD REST API client


HTTP Library that makes HTTP requests simpler and more human-friendly.

Provides functionality for convenient REST API communication including the following features:
* Utilizing HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
* Saving endpoint configuration in static data (via DBISYS)
* Establishing connection without static settings (via InitializeWithURL)
* Managing security settings per endpoint (see documentation for AUTMOD)
* Logging (if activated) all verbose information (request, response, debug data)

How to use it:

1. To have endpoint settings stored - add instance of RSTMOD to DBISYS\SYSGRP with object name related to endpoint.

2. Add description of the endpoint via SYSTBL to codetable RSTSRV. E.g:
RSTXLS - Excel Handler

3. Neccessary panels for configuration will appear automaticaly in DBISYS. Configure endpoint and save settings

4. Add the same instance (i.e. RSTMOD : RSTXLS) to the place where the API communication should take place

5. To have HTTP-communication with configured endpoint - the following commands to be executed:

- Load settings (mandatory to call before any other command)


- Add nodes to URL:

RSTXLS.AddToUrl( <url node> )

- Add parameters to URL:

RSTXLS.AddParToUrl( <name>, <value> )

- Add parameters to Header of the request

RSTXLS.AddParToHeader( <name>, <value> ) 

- Set request body with given content

RSTXLS.SetRequest( <request_body> )

- Perform given HTTP request using the previously set parameters:

if ErrorCode > 0 then\\
# necessary error handling. Standard HTTP errors are reraised with +1000. I.e. HTTP error 404 will be raised as 1404.\\

- Retrieve response from HTTP call

$response = RSTXLS.GetResponse

If the format is JSON, then the following call is valid to start working with JSON:

$handle = TDJsonInit( RSTXLS.GetResponse )


Property YES/NO
Single page frame No
Show toolbar No
Show menu No
Show statusbar No
Show hint No
Fit panel size No


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
PANSTA Panel Status 'E'dit 'I'nfo Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
NAME Name Text 100 1 Edit Yes Public
STMIN Input Stream 1 0 Source Yes Private
STMOUT Output Stream 1 0 Source Yes Private
STMDBG Debug Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
FMT Format Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
SRVNAM Rest Instance Name Text 10 1 Edit Yes Private
URL Endpoint URL Block 64 32 4 Block Yes Private
PARURL Parameters for URL Block 64 32 Block Yes Private
CURURL Current URL for calling Block 64 32 Block Yes Private
SRVPNT Parent Module of REST Instance Text 10 1 Edit Yes Private
LBLVBS Label for Verbose Folder Text 100 1 Edit Yes Private
HEADER Header for request Stream 1 1 Source Yes Private
DBGSAV Save Debug Info Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
REQSAV Save Request Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
RESSAV Save Response Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
APINAM API Name Text 30 1 Edit Yes Public
HDROUT Header for response Stream 1 1 Source Yes Private
TSTFLG Test Mode Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
TSTHTPSTA Test Http Response Status Code Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public HTPSTA
TSTHTPBODY Test Http Response Body Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
TSTHTPHDR Test Http Response Header Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
HTPSTA Http Response Status Code Numeric 3 0 Edit Yes Public
HTPSTATXT Http Response Status Text Text 80 1 Edit Yes Public
APITYP API Type Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
OLDAPITYP Old API Type Text 8 1 Edit Yes Private
CNTLEN Http Header: Content Length Text 1 1 Edit Yes Private

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield STMIN Input


Contains content of request.

To set request - use method SetRequest

Datafield STMOUT Output


Contains content of response.

To get response - use method GetResponse

Datafield FMT Format

Code Text
XML text/xml
JSON application/json
TXT text/plain
SOAP application/soap+xml

Datafield URL Endpoint URL


URL for REST base endpoint

Maximum size 2048

To add nodes to URL - use AddToURL To add parameters to URL - use AddParToURL To get full URL - use GetURI

Datafield PARURL Parameters for URL


Includes parameters of URL

To add parameter - use function AddParToUrl

Datafield CURURL Current URL for calling


Contains current URL.

To get current URL - use GetURI

Datafield SRVPNT Parent Module of REST Instance


Indicates parent module of current instance of RSTMOD. Used as security sontext

Datafield HEADER Header for request


Contains header for the request.

To set header - see method AddParToHeader

Datafield DBGSAV Save Debug Info


When set to non-empty - debug info after API call can be found in stream DBGSTM and saved in debug folder

For the folder - see function SYSTDC.GetVerboseFolder

Datafield REQSAV Save Request


When set to non-empty - request of API call is saved to debug folder.

For the folder - see function SYSTDC.GetVerboseFolder

Datafield RESSAV Save Response


When set to non-empty - response of API call is saved to debug folder.

For the folder - see function SYSTDC.GetVerboseFolder

Datafield HDROUT Header for response


PCH-717 Contains header for the response.

To get header parameter - see method GetHttpHeaderParameter

Datafield TSTHTPBODY Test Http Response Body


Contains content of http response body

Datafield TSTHTPHDR Test Http Response Header


PCH-717 Contains content of http response header

Datafield APITYP API Type

Code Text


Panel Type Description
CONFIG FramePanel REST API Configuration
RESTCFG FramePanel REST API configuration
TESTCFG FramePanel Test configuration

FramePanel CONFIG

Property Value
Width 788
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel No
Global No

FramePanel RESTCFG

Property Value
Width 788
Height 298
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated No
Popup panel No
Global No

FramePanel TESTCFG

Property Value
Width 788
Height 528
Popup position-X 0
Popup position-Y 0
Visible No
Read only No
Show toolbar No
Instanciated Yes
Popup panel No
Global No


Rule Name Additional
function GetHttpHeaderParameter text method
function GetResponse text method
function GetResponsePayload text method
function GetURI text method
sub AddParToHeader method
sub AddParToUrl method
sub AddToURL method
sub Initialize method
sub InitializeWithURL method
sub LoadSettings method
sub LoadSettingsCus method
sub Reset method
sub RestDelete method
sub RestGet method
sub RestPost method
sub RestPut method
sub SaveSettings method
sub SaveSettingsCus method
sub SetRequest method

Rules Description and Comments

function GetResponse : text method

This method returns content of response from the previous HTTP call

function GetURI : text method

Returns complete URI of the endpoint including all parameters and added nodes

sub AddParToHeader( in ArgPar text, in ArgValue text ) method

Adds pair “ArgPar”: “ArgValue” to the header of REST call

ArgPar - name of parameter
ArgValue - value of the parameter

sub AddParToUrl( in ArgPar text, in ArgVal text ) method

Adds parameter + value to URL for REST API calling

Corresponding functions: RestGet, RestPost, RestPut, RestDelete, AddToURL

sub AddToURL( in ArgNode text ) method

Adds node to URL

Corresponding functions: RestGet, RestPost, RestPut, RestDelete, AddParToURL

sub Initialize method

Initialize instance of RSTMOD with statically defined settings

Settings are stored in AppIniFile under section named as instance of RSTMOD

sub InitializeWithURL( in ArgURL text ) method

Initialize RSTMOD with given URL

sub RestDelete method

Calls for REST DELETE method
Errorcode must be checked afterwards
Result can be retrieved by method GetResponse

Corresponding functions: RestGet, RestPost, AddToURL, AddParToURL

sub RestGet method

Calls for REST GET method
Errorcode must be checked afterwards
Result can be retrieved by method GetResponse

Corresponding functions: RestPost, RestDelete AddToURL, AddParToURL

sub RestPost method

Calls for REST POST method
Errorcode must be checked afterwards
Result can be retrieved by method GetResponse

Corresponding functions: RestGet, AddToURL, AddParToURL

sub RestPut method

Calls for REST PUT method
Errorcode must be checked afterwards
Result can be retrieved by method GetResponse

Corresponding functions: RestGet, RestPost, AddToURL, AddParToURL

sub SetRequest( in ArgReq text ) method

This method is used to set request for the upcoming HTTP call

ArgReq - content of request to be sent

sub Reset method

Resets fields of RSTMOD to the state of initialization (without clearing the settings)
Might be useful in settings transactions to use settings not from ini-file but from current “online” settings

function GetHttpHeaderParameter( in ArgPar text ) : text method

returns the value of the response http header parameter ArgPar

ArgPar: name of http header parameter

returns: value of http header parameter

function GetResponsePayload : text method

This method returns the content of the functional body (payload data) of the response from the previous HTTP call
It strips away from the response all technical headers (control data)


Module class Instance Comment