Checking for Overlay Versions

Transaction GENCOV

If sources are changed in the product/basis version, a check needs to be made to determine whether there are identical files in the overlays for the product/basis version. If yes, check whether/how the changes made in the product are to be transferred to the overlay.

Before any changes made in the product version go live, GENCOV starts from the work environment. It checks which overlays are available for this product/basis version and shows which files from the work environment are doubled, together with their overlay versions.

The 'Application Root Directory' shows the storage location of the product version. The current work environment is defaulted in the 'Mnemo of Environment' field. However, you can also select any other work environment that is part of the same product version.

The paths that are checked on overlays are shown in 'Directories for Overlays'.

The check can be made either of all files in the selected work environment, or only of files that match a certain pattern. 'Show only Erroneus Entries' limits the list to files found in the work environment, but which have not been checked out.

Files found are displayed, showing the name of the overlay as well as the date, the time and the size of the file.

For files that have been checked out, the environment shows where the files have been checked out to. In the same way, the work environment shows where the files have been checked out from.

Files that are in the work environment but have not been checked out are marked in RED. Files that have been checked out in another work environment, but are not actually there, or when the work environment is not part of the selected product environment are marked in BLUE.

The 'Used Environments' panel displays the work environments, based on the 'Application Root Directory'.

Transaction Panels

Master File
Used Environments

Master File

Used Environments