Table of Contents

Database Handling Tool

Transaction GENDBC

This tool is designed to create databases local to a selected overlay or work environment.


Typical Usage

The following steps are required to create a database local to an existing work environment based on the current

  1. Launch GENDBC within an environment capable of accessing the intended source package and the intended target work environment
  2. Select the base package (e.g. s:\dok5 + anwdos.pkg or s:\d50500s1\update and update.pkg)
  3. Select the target work environment (e.g. s:\dok5 + jodoku.ini)
  4. Click “Datadir” to create the necessary PKG file and directory
  5. Select the required file as unzip file
  6. Click “Unzip” to extract the file
  7. Select MS Access as database type and an existing MS Access datasource which is both configured and works with either of the selected packages
  8. Click “ODBC” to setup the ODBC datasource
  9. Where applicable, check the processing log and close GENDBC

Use the following steps to setup a customer specific database on a notebook using the data currently used in a client/server installation with a client/server database.

  1. Launch GENDBC in the customer's client/server installation (or another installation on the same server)
  2. Select the base package (should be defaulted)
  3. Click “Exp. DBE” to export the database table to the directory dbe within the data partition
  4. Confirm deletion of existing DBE files and be sure that this is OK: the DBE files will be deleted permanently
  5. Click “Create ZIP” to create a ZIP file with all files of the data partition
  6. Where applicable, check the processing log and close GENDBC
  7. If the created ZIP file is larger than 60MB use separate tools to transfer this file to the notebook
  8. Where applicable, click “Download” to download the created ZIP file to the local client
  9. Where applicable, transfer the ZIP file to the notebook
  10. Make sure that the customer overlay is setup as a TDVCS environment on the notebook
  11. Launch GENDBC within the installation on the notebook
  12. Select the required “Install in” package
  13. Select the customer overlay
  14. Click “Datadir” to create the necessary PKG file and directory
  15. As an option: click “Retreive” to upload the ZIP file to the notebook
  16. Select the required ZIP file as unzip file
  17. Click “Unzip” to extract the file
  18. Select MS Access as database type and an existing MS Access datasource which is both configured and works within the selected “Install in” package
  19. Click “ODBC” to setup the ODBC datasource
  20. Check the checkbox “Delete Old Database Contents on Import”
  21. Click “Imp. DBE” to import the contents of the DBE files
  22. Where applicable, check the processing log and leave GENDBC

Transaction Panels

Database Handling

Database Handling


Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.
