Selective Im-/Export HLP

Transaction GENHLP

This transaction provides functions to selectively export helptexts and to import these again once they have been translated externally into the target language. On top of this, missing or outdated helptexts can be logged.

When you export helptexts, it is also possible to enter the project, the type of helptext and the 'Change after' date. The helptexts for the selected language are exported in a 'genhlp.dbe' file for the relevant directory.

The file format is the same as the data exchange format also used for database tables.

Clicking [Open Out.] allows you to view the target directory and to handle further steps for the file displayed.

The Import process imports the selected .dbe file in the helptexts. This Import function is basically used to import the file that was created for export and external translation. The external translator solely needs to translate the contents of the 'NAM' and 'TXT' tags.

The Import process writes the relevant records in the current database, replacing the language, the amendment date and the User ID with the valued entered in the imported file. The relevant INR for the text unit is ignored, with the unit specified based on pertinent key fields. Changes made are logged.

A checkbox allows you to record whether these target units with their later amendment date are to be over-written or not.

The [Check] function at the bottom of the panel is used to check whether helptexts that are available in the selected basis language are also available in another language. If the checkbox is checked, helptexts that are older in the target language than in the basis language are also logged.

Transaction Panels

Handling of Help Texts

Handling of Help Texts


Datafield Description
Unique Key 1/Project cf Appendix A, Table HLP field KEY1
Unique Key 2/Type cf Appendix A, Table HLP field KEY2
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.