Workenvironment Workbench

Transaction GENWRK

This transaction is used to create and delete work environments and to import sources into the work environment.

Creating a New Work Environment

After clicking [New], a new panel appears and the following data fields have to be entered:

Clicking [Generate] creates the environment and the links required. The GENVER module is used to maintain both the version text and the description.

Deleting a Work Environment

Clicking [Drop] deletes an existing work environment. Prior to deleting the environment the system first checks to make sure that no files relating to this environment have been checked out.

Clicking [Create Lnk] creates the links required.

Importing Sources

To import source material available as a zip file, either enter the path/filename or drag the file from Windows Explorer on to the panel.

Clicking [UNZIP] or dragging the file on to the panel unpacks the file in the 'Received' sub-directory of the work environment from where they are then moved to the appropriate directory.

The [Handle Rcv] (handle received) button allows the user to administer files that were not automatically moved to the right directory. One of the reasons for them not being moved might be that the files have been checked out in another environment or that unknown and/or invalid directory names have been used. The user can move either single files, or all files, from the 'Received' directory. It is also possible to compare, view or delete files in 'Received' with files from the source or interim directories. If 'Ignore all errors' is checked, any errors that may occur are ignored.

Files moved to the target directory are automatically checked out.

Creating ZIP files

A ZIP file can be created to transport files from the work directory by clicking [Create ZIP]. In doing so, directories can be entered that are to be compressed. Conversely templates of filenames can be entered that are to be excluded.

Starting Transactions

The following transactions can be launched via the buttons:

Transaction Panels




Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.