Translation Workbench

Transaction GENXLT

This transaction facilitates the export of literals stored in the sources either to translate them directly using the TD2TR Translation Editor, or to pack them in a ZIP file together with everything else required to translate the literals off-site, or outside of a DOKA/Trade2 installation.

Once translated, the literals can be imported back into the system using the Importing Translation Packages (GENXLI) transaction.

If the literals are not going to be translated off-site, use the Translation Editor integrated in Trade2 instead of this transaction.

GENXLI extracts the literals from the sources and writes them in files stored in a separate structure in subfolders of XLATE. These files can then be translated with the help of the Translation Editor. The Translation Editor shows the literals in the context of their relevant transaction panel, so that the result can be viewed immediately. Thus, the translator can see whether there is sufficient space in front of the field or on the button for the translation, or whether the translation has to be abbreviated in any way, for example.

The normal procedure is as follows:

  1. Select the transactions to be exported. The list is defaulted in the alltrns.fil file. The name of the file can however be changed manually.
  2. Click [Export→] to export the literals. Literals either from all or from one transaction can be selected.
  3. Click [View Log] to view the export log.
  4. Click [Inst. TD2TR] to install the Translation Editor.
  5. Click [Create ZIP] to create a ZIP file containing the translation package.
  6. Transport this ZIP file to the PC to be used for the translation.
  7. Extract the ZIP file.
  8. Open the extracted TD2TR.EXE and, by default, the translation. The functioning and use of the Translation Editor is described in the TradeDesign documentation.
  9. Once the literals have been translated, pack these files together in a ZIP file and send the file back to the original system.
  10. Extract the file in a work environment.
  11. Import the translated literals into the sources using GENXLI.
  12. Finally, QA and Checkin of the modified sources.

n.b. When it comes to testing your changes in a transaction, for outgoing messages in the new language you may need to visit the panel properties of each outgoing document and adjust the allowed languages. Only EN and DE are checked by default.

Steps 1-5 are carried out by GENXLT.

Alternatively, after step 3 click [Translate] to start the translation of a selected transaction, or [Trans. All] to translate the literals for all transactions. Afterwards, click [Import] to start GENXLI and continue from Step 11.

[Check] starts the Literal Handling Tool (GENLIL) that checks and works with the literals.

[Del. Trans.] deletes any translation package found in the work environment, i.e. the XLATE folder together with all its sub-folders and files.

Transaction Panels

