Checking Source Version of Modules

Transaction SYSCKT

This transaction is used to automatically determine the versions of all the various modules in an installation environment, to compare these and to display any incompatibilities straight off.

The background to this function reflects the fact that in an installation certain elements are exchanged, as needed, when specific amendments are to be tested or when specific new functions are to be activated at a fixed date. To keep the installation as stable as possible, more often than not only those components required to meet current needs are actually exchanged. In the course of time the consequence of such makeshift development is that the production or test environment contains an ambiguous cocktail of the different versions. If then, on top of this, versions are regularly added to this mix for test purposes it is virtually impossible to keep track of module details.

In order to keep track of developments and in particular to be able to recognize incompatible mixes, a version control transaction is used which automatically determines the versions of part-modules used from all transactions and then finally assesses the mixed application of the part-modules. In other words, if a part-module is used in different versions of an installation at the same time, the version control transaction recognizes this and displays the appropriate information. In this way, incompatibilities, in particular in test environments, can be instantly recognized and any resulting often at first glance inexplicable effects can be avoided.

Checking Methods

There are two checking methods available:

Afterwards, all displayed modules can be checked individually via [Single].

Transaction Panels

Check Modules in TTOs

Check Modules in TTOs


Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.