Table of Contents

Initializing Database

Transaction SYSINI

This transaction deletes dynamic data and database tables in order to reach a defined pool of data to prepare for tests, create a supply of data for an installation or to prepare an installation to go live, for instance. Clicking allows the user to create a .tar/.zip file of this reset installation which can then be used to transport this system to another installation location.

Deleting Dynamic Data and Database Tables

The “Parties, accounts, and address related information” drop-down menu defines data not to be deleted. Checking the “Delete Fees, Fee Conditions and Interest Rates, which are used in no condition” checkbox means that this particular data is deleted. If the “Export files” checkbox is checked database tables are exported and thus secured. The path for exported files can also be indicated. The area in the bottom left hand corner of the panel lists the tables and directories from which data is deleted. The delete process is started by clicking .

Note: Data in the specified path is deleted and cannot be restored!

Importing new Dynamic Data and Database Tables

After deleting the dynamic data and the database tables, it is possible to import other/new data into the system. This is done by importing a .zip archive, which has been created in the CONDBG transaction. Here, the complete path for this file has to be specified in the “File to be imported into the system after clearing dynamic data” field.

During the import process, both options “Delete all parties” and “Delete Fees, Fee Conditions and Interest Rates, which are used in no condition” are activated by default. These might have to be deleted due to possible overlappings if the import file contains data for these tables. It is up to the user to judge whether an import file can be used in each situation without having to previously delete any parties or conditions.

Events that occur as part of the transaction can be tracked by clicking , which displays the log file.

Transaction Panels

Initializing Database

Initializing Database