Table of Contents

Searching Information in TradeDesign

The user has several options to search for information in TradeDesign, which are described in more detail in the following sections.

Cross Reference

The option gives a good overview about the available cross references and shows the different types of usage of a searched object.

Logic references, that are described as literals, i.e. no references

are found. References that result from data (e.g. panel names in SPT) are also not displayed.

In order to find such usage types in texts, the search methods mentioned below have to be applied.

Cross Reference in Transactions

Where is this Object (Field, Rule, Panel etc.) used in Transactions?

Procedure to find an object for CrossRef in the Module Explorer:

  1. Put the cursor on the desired field
  2. Edit Prototype
  3. Show Context
  4. CrossRef to that object

The Watch panel displays the usage of the object within the elements of the module with type of usage, location and reference.

By double-clicking the user is brought to that position in the rule or on the panel, where the searched object is used.



Cross Reference in GENXRF

Where is the Object used within the entire Application?

Procedure: In the user mode via “Technical Support” → Cross Reference Workbench

The entered object will be searched in a selected work environment or the application by searching all transactions and modules. The data stock is after the last global compile within this environment is used.

In GENXRF there are 2 options available:

  1. Object cross reference for objects in selected module (view on the objects within a module)
    - Button [Details] - Displays the references of the object in the selected module
  2. Module cross reference for selected module (view from the module upwards to the used models or transactions)
    - Button [Modules] - shows all modules, that call directly the the selected module under module/transaction
    - Button [Transactions] - shows all transactions, that use the selected module under module/transaction
    - The terms entered in “Object Type” and “Object” are ignored in this case.
  3. Unreferenced Objects (Dispays the objects of the selected object type, that are not referenced)
    - Button [Show] displays all not-referenced objects in a separate panel. In order to avoid translating not used objects (e.g. remaining XML templates, those objects have to be eliminated before the translation process. Using this function, the DOKA user can identify those templates, so that they can be deleted with the TradeDesign Module Explorer afterwards.



Searching in Rules with 'Find'


  1. Search for the term in the rule with the “Find” option
  2. (F3 continues the search)
  3. Note: After search the complete transaction with F3, the search starts again at the beginning. Please pay attention to recurrences of terms.



Searching the Source Text with an Editor (e.g. UltraEdit)


  1. Search → Search in File → Search Text
  2. In files for example: ???.TR? search is only performed in triple-digit modules
                                  *.TR?    all modules with the extension 'TRx' are searched
  3. In directories
  4. Click 'Results in Edit Window'
  5. If the search is performed in the product, 'Search Subdirectories' is not clicked
    If DOK5OVLY is searched, 'Search Subdirectories' is not clicked.



Note: If the search is performed in the product or in customer overlays, the write protection (read-only) should be activated in any case.

Search with the 'Find' Command in the Prompt Box



Note: This function is only available for search in HTML documentaion.

This search is extremely fast. However, it just refers to the information contained in the documentation.

Example: Search for values of the source text parameter 'Framefield'

1. Search term 'Framefield'
2. Double-click the term 'Framefield' under 'Select a matching word'
3. Sorting for Filename helps to get a better overview, because the path is displayed there.
   In 'TRN\FRM Source Format Description' the description of the parameters of the term 'Framefield' with possible values is located.

