COMP - Automatic Handling of List of Transactions

The script COMP can to be used to process multiple transactions automatically. The intended use is mainly to compile all transactions of an installation. The script is located in the BIN directory of an installation. The names of the transactions to be processed are read out of a file, that contains the transaction names (not file names, thus there are no file paths and file extensions).

COMP is started via double-clicking COMP.BAT in the BIN directory or via a defined link. Another way to run the file is via the prompt (available via the [Start] button).

In a work environment with more than one base environments, COMP should be started together with the desired environment.

If the script is called together with the switch '/all', all transactions in the frame directory of the base product are used to generate a temporary list, that is used for the compile.

If the script is started via the default executable (executable file) and without file list, the batch log file TD2BATCH.LOG of TRADE2.EXE is automatically deleted when starting the script. The default location of the log file is the TMP directory of the installation.

The script uses the Batch Executor of the TradeDesign2 Support Tools to start one executions after another to avoid too many compiles at the same time.


comp     compile many transactions based on namelists      1.03 26.11.04


Usage: comp [ -c exe ] [ { listfile ! /all } [ switches ] ]

exe      This argument holds the optional name of the executable to be

         executed for the different entries in the file list.

         (Default Trade2)

listfile holds a file with names of transactions to be handled. The

         files may include the file extension (usually .TRN) and

         should NOT include the file path. When specifying /all all

         *.tr? files of the base package are used to autogenerate the

         compile list. (Default ALLTRNS.FIL)

switches defines the switches used to call the executable. The possible

         switches are defined by the executable. (Default -s)

         With Trade2 use -s or -sx to compile, -r to resave the source

         in current version, -p to create display files of all visible

         panels. To create TTO-objects, needed for Client-Server

         installations, use the switch -t or -tx.

Caution: When using /all the tools 'nodup' and 'sort' are used by the



To compile all transactions of S:\DOK5 to TTO including the generation

of cross reference data you might use one of the following commands.

comp /all -tx

comp /all -e S:\DOK5\TDVCS\ANWDOS.PKG -tx

To compile all transactions of S:\DOK5 using the workenvironment described

in S:\DOK5\TDVCS\JODO5.INI you might use the following command.

comp /all -v S:\DOK5\TDVCS\JODO5.INI -s

Warning: When using '/all', the tools 'nodup' and 'sort' are used by the script.

Sample Usage:

The following commands could be used to compile all transactions in the list ALLTRNS.FIL to TMO:
“comp alltrns.fil”
“comp alltrns.fil” -s

The following commands could to be used to compile all transactions in S:\DOK5 to TTO.
“comp /all -t
“comp /all -e” S:\DOK5\TDVCS\ANWDOS.PKG ”-t”

The following command is used to compile all transactions in S:\DOK5 to TMO when using the work environment in S:\DOK5\TDVCS\JODO5.INI:
“comp /all -v” S:\DOK5\TDVCS\JODO5.INI “-s”