Standard Fields and Panel Names

System Fields

Field Size Type Description
SYS\OBJNAM 40 t Object name of the currently processed transaction or record. This field is used by generic routines to display a descriptive identification of the currently processed object. Usually a transaction defines a defaulting rule to set this field according to it's context.

Other logical Standard Names

Name Description
\REC Module which holds the field description of a table.
\RECGRP Module which holds all the different tables and structures to describe a compound object. This is usually used if a table refers to another table. In this case for every reference a specially named instance is included in the group.
\PRTPAN Document panel which might be used to print a hardcopy of the current entry.
PANSTA Status flag which is used to reflect the status of the panel. Values are:
'I' = Selection of an entry
'A' = Add a new entry
'E' = Edit an existing entry
'D' = Delete an existing entry
'L' = Display of old versions of entries
'S' = Show the currently loaded entry without any modification possibility
'H' = Hidden (Panel is made invisible)
xxD The contracts of a business module are usually stored in a table named by the 2-letter mnemo of the business sector followed by the letter D (for data). This table holds all references, dates and other fields used for searching. The necessary amount information of an application module are stored in the CBS to be able to keep track of the sequence of modifications of the amounts. The table design should keep the number of fields per table below 100 to avoid incompatibilities with certain database systems. Some database systems have only limited entry sizes. Thus the size of a table entry should be below 1.500 characters. Text blocks and other big fields should be placed in the associated text table. The link between the data and the text table is established by the INR field.
xxT The texts stored in the contracts of a business module are usually stored in a table named by the 2-letter mnemo of the business sector followed by the letter T (for text). Additional text blocks of business modules are stored in this table to reduce the size of the module database table. If there are limitations in the used database the texts could be stored via different means. The text table should never be used for search and retrieval functions. These functions should always be executed in the data table of the business module.
xxDGRP The different parties and other modules which build a complete contract are grouped together in a module named by the 2-letter mnemo followed by 'DGRP'.
xxACBS The different CBS balances used to describe a contract are grouped together in a module named by the 2-letter mnemo followed by 'ACBS'.