Table of Contents

Rule Order Execution

TradeDesign's 'Order' functionality determines the sequence in which rules associated to a certain field are executed. To enable that the use of order numbers is consistent and clear, the ranges of orders described below should be used for the different rule types.

Default Rules

As usual, customization defaults override standard defaults. The system internal defaulting should normally be defined at an order level < 1000 (normal order level 950).

Check Rules

Check rules created as part of product customization, should normally be run before internal check rules. These internal check rules should be associated with an order number > 1000 (normally order level 1050).

The more specific the check rule message is, the lower the order number that a check rule should have. Checks implemented in a module are usually less specific than the checks implemented in a transaction. Therefore, checks implemented in a module should have a relatively high order number.

Event Rules

The range of possible order numbers is divided into the following areas:

Up to and including order number 500 is used to check and prepare the execution of an event.

From 501 up to order number 1000 is intended for the execution of an event.

The range of 1001 to 1500 is intended for post processing and return, if required.


The button is used to store a transaction. The logic to store the transaction is implemented in the event rules. The following order numbers are used: