Table of Contents

Documentation Standards in DOKA-NG

These guidelines for compiling, supplementing and maintaining DOKA-NG documentation make it possible for the documentation to be updated by both support staff and users and ensure that content does not get lost when updating.

Types of Documentation

A distinction is made between user documentation, documentation for the MyModelbank, developer documentation and TradeDesign documentation.

The purpose of these guidelines is to


The documentation is generally written in US English and translated into German once it has been reviewed in terms of content and language.
The same does not apply to the technical documentation (TradeDesign), which only exists in English. For developer documentation translation can be waived, then in the German version the link is set directly to the English page.

User and Developer Documentation

The documentation is stored in the “dokuwiki” subdirectory of DOKA's installation directory. This directory does not normally form a part of the product as supplied; the current version is available online.

Due to the specific structure of Dokuwiki, the individual 'pages' of the documentation are stored in the 'data\pages' subdirectory and its dependent subdirectories. As is the case with the user documentation, next there is one subdirectory each for the languages 'de' and 'en'. Below these one directory corresponding to one book

What other subdirectories exist depends on how the content is structured. As Dokuwiki directories and pages are listed alphabetically, all directory names start with a 3-digit number, and all filenames (=pages) with a 4-digit number (exception: the 'Start' pages in each of the directories).

Images (.gif, .jpg, .png) are stored in the directory called 'media\images'. The remainder of the structure is according to language 'de' and 'en' and the subject 'app', 'dev' and 'dem'.

The directory structure and the filenames in 'de' and 'en' must be identical.

The filenames of pages containing automatically generated information must conform to the notation of the relevant document type. This is described in detail under the transaction Generating Documentation (Wiki format).

For files that do not contain automatically generated text, the filenames can be chosen freely ; filenames that overlap with those of generated files are not permitted, however.

Automatically Generated Documentation

For each

in DOKA, one document is generated automatically. This document contains the current status of the transaction at the time the documentation was generated. The documentation generator reads the sources and uses descriptions, panels, datafields and helptexts applying to and/or used in the relevant transaction, codetable or database table and uses them to generate the documentation. Image files generated for the individual documents are stored in an appropriately assigned 'images' directory.

Automatically generated documentation can and should allow texts to be inserted manually. In doing so, care must be taken to insert additional text between a "/* id="TD_End_" comment and a "/* id="TD_Start", to ensure that the added information will be preserved when the documentation is re-generated.

Links to other wiki pages should only be used sparingly, and, wherever possible, only within the same book. If possible, avoid linking to other books in the documentation.

Abbreviations Used

In the directory and page names special abbreviations are used, which lead to the function of this page:

Abbreviation Meaning
app Subdirectory of the application documentation
bs* Outline of a business sector
*bas Basic information to one subject, especially static data systems
dem Subdirectory of the MyModelbank documentation
dev Subdirectory of the developer documentation
gn* Overview of general topics on how to work with the system (General)
ov* Overview of specific topics on particular aspects of working with the system (Overview), such as working with the database, etc.
ts* Overview of the example data provided (Testing and Training)
wf* Overview of system-side procedures (workflow), such as Control & Release, Background Manager, etc.
