Source File Exchange with Customers

It is not wanted, that customers do Trade2 development themselves. However there might be exceptions from this rule.
If a customer wants to do source changes themselves, a separate Trade2 development license needs to be purchased by the customer.

For development, a completely separate Trade2 development environment installation is needed which is independent from the TEST/UAT/Prod environments of the customer.
Trade2 development environment is running on Windows only, coding is done on Windows Desktops.
The development environment needs to be connected to a database. This can either be the same database as used for the standard test environment or a copy of it.

With the first delivery of the development environment the customer will receive all relevant components including all relevant source files.

Development is done in so called work environments rsp. work branches which are separate folders. The work environments are stacked logically on top of the main development environment.

The customer can change source files and the changes can be tested in the Trade2 development environment in the work environments.
Global compiles to check for compile errors can be done by the customer. As soon as changes should be tested on the server environment,
the changed source files need to be send to Surecomp for checking and synchronization first.

All changed source files, which should be taken over to a server environment (Test/UAT/PROD), have to be send to Surecomp where they are further processed.
It is explicitly not allowed to deploy from the development environment directly to the server environments (Test\UAT\Prod.) without having synced changed source files with Surecomp.
This way we ensure, that customer specific changes are in sync with source changes done at Surecomp.

Process for the source file exchange is:

Surecomp sends back two patches to the customer:

  1. A standard patch for installation to the server environments (Test\UAT\Prod.). This is the same patch any customer without private development would receive but includes the changes made by the customer on top of Surecomps own development and bug fixes.
  2. A source file patch with all changes since last patch - including both changes done by Surecomp and changes done by the Customer.

Patch 1 can be installed on a server environment for test / acceptance or production as the case may be.

Patch 2 has to be deployed to the development environment and is the basis for further development done by the customer.
It is a good idea to compare the sources sent from customer to Surecomp against the sources which have been send back by Surecomp in Patch B and to cleanup the synchronization environment afterwards.